Chapter Five

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Once in our spot Marcus made me run for an hour and a half straight. After I finished running I had barely broken a sweat but was panting hard.

"Alright. Now do 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups." He says and I growl at him

"What is this, boot camp?" I mumble and he nods

"Why yes, yes it is boot camp." He responds as I finish my 20th sit-up. After completing my push-ups and sit-ups he has me do stretches. once I'm done with my stretches I stand up straight to stretch my back.

When I look at the floor I notice Fred laying on the floor not to far away.

"Why is Fred out here?" I asked Marcus walking over to where Fred was shivering. I picked him up and cradled him against my chest. I put my coat on the floor in a next position and set him in it.

"Don't know." He says and freezes when we hear a weakish growl. We turn to see a wolf standing a few feet away.

"That's a real wolf right?" I ask looking at Marcus from the side of my eye and he nods.

"Yup, he seems to smell a shewolf. I think." He says and I nod. I walk behind a tree and shift then walk back out and glare intently at the wolf. Marcus walks over to Fred and picked him up and faced me

"We will be waiting at the opening over that way." He says and I nod slightly. The wolf still tense and hostile lays down and rolls onto his back. A pure sign of submission. I growl at him and walk away. I hear him shuffle quickly and then he appears next to me and rubs up against my wolf. I growl and snap at him but he follows unfazed.

'He is a guardian' A sweet and kind voice says and I freeze.

'What?' I ask and a blurry personage stands before me in a radiant glow of white.

'He is a guardian. He, is loyal, kind, and helpful to you and you only.' It says again and I sit. He does the same and I look at him he looks at me and licks my muzzle. I snap my jaw shut on his muzzle and he whimpers.

'As long as you are nice to him he will be nothing but nice and helpful back.' She says again

'Who are you?' I ask facing the strange light again and the light focuses and shows the moon goddess.

'Oh mother, its you.' I say and she smiles and nods.

'I sent him. He is merely a normal wolf sent to protect you.' she says and I nod at her

'Bathe him and he will stick around, Feed him he will protect you, Shelter him and he will be loyal to you.' She says before disappearing. I look at him again and sigh. What's his name?

'Peter' She says before I can no longer feel her presence. He may be small but something tells me he is stronger than Black. I shift back with my clothes on under my robe and we walk side by side to the clearing.

"So.... Why is he still here?" Marcus asks and I roll my eyes at him.

"The moon goddess sent him. I have a feeling he could beat Black anytime." I say and he nods

"Well lets get started." Marcus says and I take off the robe so I'm only in my tank top and shorts.

"Alright fire." Marcus continues lighting a match. I hold out my hand and the fire appears from the match and into the palm of my hand. Out of the corner of my eye I see peter about to pounce on Fred whom is still sleeping.

I throw the fire at Fred and it surrounds him in a ring of fire. Peter looks at me and I glare hard at him. His tail tucks between his legs and he lies down in a ball. I collect the fire back in my palm and face Marcus again.

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