Unfortunately not a chapter but a semi important author's note

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As of this moment, my boyfriend and I are working on cleaning up this story. There were some pretty gruesome chapters and I wanted to make them a bit... softer? I guess that would be my word for it.

It's perfectly fine if you don't want to go back and reread the previous chapters. It shouldn't effect your reading experience.

All we did was; I have started to lengthen and put greater detail into earlier chapters and My boyfriend is helping to edit, he also just rewrote chapter 9 because it was too triggering for me to rewrite it myself.

If you would like to read some of my boyfriend's stories, his username is: @7h13f_0f_l1gh7 (He writes some pretty amazing books)

I'll start posting the improved and edited chapters soon and then I'll work on writing the next chapter.

Thank you for your understanding and I hope you continue to enjoy Even Egderp Has Nightmares.

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