Chapter 5

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"Help you go to Eden?" I asked.

Derek nodded.

"Why do you need to go to Eden?"

"There's a guy there I need to see. He helped my parents before the split of the towns and I have a feeling he knows a lot more than he wants too." Derek explained. 

"I'm coming too." Cora interrupted.

"Uh, no. Mom will kill you."

"Mom will kill you if she finds out. And I will tell her." Cora fought back.

Derek looked like he was holding in his anger.

"She can come too." I said. "We'll just have to go back one at a time. There's more patrol at night."

Cora cheered pushing Derek and linking her arm around mine. Derek shut his eyes letting out a sigh. "I hate you Cora." He said coldly.

"Hate you too big brother. Let's go!" She cheered.


We made it into Eden and back to my house. 

When I got up to my room I saw Scott sitting on my bed.

"Hey, Scotty.." I said as the other three followed me into my room.

Scott looked at Derek and Cora curiously. 

"Uh, this is Derek and his sister Cora." I said feeling Derek's hand find its way to mine.

Scott shook his head and chuckled. "Of coarse you'd bring him back." He snapped.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Is he more important now?"

"Scott, stop." Lydia snapped.

"Scott, what is your problem?" I asked walking toward him.

He pushed me. "Leave me alone." He walked passed me and out the door.

Derek pulled me up "He seems lovely."

"He's not normally like that." I said.

"He's cute." Cora added.

"Cora shut the fuck up." Derek snapped.

"What's that guys name?" I asked.

"Alan Deaton." Derek said.

"You mean, Dr. Deaton? The vet?" Lydia asked. "Why would he know why the split happened?" 

"It's a long story." Derek said.

"Well...we can't go see him till tomorrow. The vet's is closed now." I said. "You can just stay here if you want." I offered.

"No." Cora spoke up. "We have to go."

"I'll stay." Derek said softly.

"What!? No! We have to go home. Mom's going to kill us!"

"You can go home."

I watched the two stare at each other.

"Mom will kill us Derek." Cora snapped.

"If you go home she won't kill you. I'm staying here." The harshness that was in Cora's voice was returned.

The two finally stopped arguing and we helped Cora get back over to Beacon Hills. On the way back we dropped Lydia off at her house.

"Stiles." She started getting out. "You really need to talk to Scott."

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