Chapter 25

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This is kind of short but I had a little time to write so I pumped out what I could even though I should be sleeping.

Stiles was laying with his head on my chest, he was still asleep. It was early, the sun wasn't up yet but I wasn't able to sleep. My mom, Sebastian, and Laura had been out trying to figure out what was going on lately and they haven't come back. I'm worried and I know I'm probably just overreacting because I guess that's something I do, ("Shut up, Laura. I'm not overreacting this time!") but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. But, they're fine. If someone was dying, I'd be able to tell. If they needed help, they'd call. Maybe they got to Eden and met up with Deaton and lost track of time trying to figure everything out. Maybe they stopped to take a break and someone fell asleep. They're okay, they have to be okay.

"Stop thinking so much," Stiles groaned. "You're disturbing my slumber."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up and go back to sleep."

"They're gonna be fine, Derek." He yawned pushing himself up enough to kiss me.

"I know." I nodded.


Hours passed before I finally heard the front door open, there were five extra heartbeats fluttering through the house and I wasn't sure who my mom would bring back with her. I sat up making Stiles jerk awake and let out a whine.

I walked downstairs to see Deaton with my mom but that doesn't explain the fifth heartbeat. Stiles slapped me as he walked passed and into the kitchen stopping as a new face appeared.

"Parrish?" Stiles muttered, the other male turned around.

"Stiles? You're dad's worried sick about you!"

Stiles scoffed, "I doubt that."

"He's sent search parties out looking for you."

Stiles nodded, not responding as he walked toward the fridge.

"Derek," my mom said breaking the tension, "This is Jordan Parrish. He's the hellhound I told you about."

"You never told me about a hellhound?"

Laura interrupted, "He's right, you told me and Seb."

"Where is Sebastian?" I asked.

"Living room." My mom sighed, "Erica's patching him up."

"Is he okay?"

Laura rolled her eyes, "Just a few scraps, nothing major, breathe."

I glared at her and turned to my mom and Deaton, "So, what's going on?"

Deaton sighed, "We're not quite sure."

"We think..." My mom started, "We think it has to do with the reason why the towns split."

Stiles dropped his glass, "Shit, sorry." He nearly yelled.

"Are you finally gonna tell me what happened then?" I asked helping Stiles clean his mess.

My mother sighed, "You don't need to know. We know how to handle the situation if that is what's going on. Don't worry about it."

"Mom-" Laura started.

"No." I snapped, "That's such a bullshit excuse."


"No, I'm fucking sick of this! Dad made excuses like that and I know it wasn't to 'protect' me. I'm older than Laura was when you told her. Why can't I know? What's so bad about me that I'm forced out of the loop? Dad was killed because of this whole fucking situation and you're still going to go on about how I 'don't have to worry about it'? If you'd just let me fucking help for once shit wouldn't hit the fan like it does. Dad might still fucking be here!"

"That's enough." My mom snapped.

"I agree with him." Laura spoke up, my head jerking in her direction. "He's strong mom, he knows how to fight. Especially when it has to do with someone he loves."

Mom turned to look at Deaton who shrugged. "If he were my son, I would tell him."

"The whole pack should know by now." Sebastian interrupted, coming over to stand by me.

She looked angry but her anger wasn't toward us. "Okay." She said softly looking down at her hands, "I'll tell you."

I felt Stiles grab onto my hand, his was staring up at me when I turned to look at him. He bit his lip, his hand slipping from mine to wrap his arms around me.

What did I just drag everyone into?

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