Chapter 1

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It has officially been three whole weeks since I've had sex.
And in all honesty, I could go a month, but I didn't want to.

Not that I couldn't contain myself, but because I know the world is full of women who are in need of pleasure they've never experienced and will never experience unless Ofcourse, they get it from me.

I had a passion for genuinely pleasuring females.
Not a disease , not a disorder.

It's just ,other than making music, I'm good at making the bed rock . 

As well as other things but those things meant nothing.

It wasn't as if I'd find a girl in the club who fit my fit and sex her, I liked a chase.

I loved being able to capture someone's mind and then flip the switch.

Just fuck them.

I consider most feelings while I get involved with folks lives and Even once , it got as far as me meeting their mother but it was what had to be done..


Tonight was the night we'd be promoting my new album in Supper Club, and I'd gladly take this chance to change somebody's life.

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