Chapter VII

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After slamming the door shut after Owen had left, Sang stalked back into the room and started to rip the dress off, leaving it in pieces on the ground. Over the last week, Evana had gifted her with a piece of her past, finding her old clothes down in the dungeons for when she was first stripped of them.

After a year of neglect, Sang was pleasantly surprised to find them still relatively in the same condition as she had last seen them. How Evana knew they were hers or where to find them was anyone's guess, but she knew to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Pulling on her comfortable underwear first, she then puts on the leather pants, which are now a bit too loose on her. Next goes a short sleeve white shirt, with a black pattern on it, and donned with a black jacket. Her boots are what come next and she thanks her lucky stars she wasn't wearing the high heeled ones that day.

For the first time in a year, Sang feels like the person who she use to be, the one she was trained to be, the one that was the best at what she did because she fought hard for what she wanted, and no bloody male was going to stand in her way of what she wants. Smiling to herself, she walks over to the balcony door, and slowly looks over the edge.

She could see  Silas and North talking to each other, and by their expressions it didn't look like a friendly conversation either.

Standing out of their view, she looks around trying to get an idea of how to escape, but can't see any without the guards noticing. Growling to herself in frustration, she closed the door quietly and walks back into the room, trying to think over her options.

She turns around and notices the long banner of a painting in the room. It was the only one of it's kind, but that wasn't what had caught her attention. No, it was the fact that it was moving by itself, as if a breeze was blowing from behind it. Almost in glee, Sang runs over to it, and starts to push on the wall, hoping that, that was all it needed. Almost in luck it starts to move, but finds that it's extremely heavy. She lets go and watches at it slides back into place, and realises she may be able to get out, but she won't be able to get back in.

After a search through the place, she finds one of the fire pokers and hopes that that will be enough to hold it open enough to get her hands through for when she returns, if she returns. Looking around she notices some pen and paper, and decides to leave them a note.


If you are reading this then I'm not back yet. I haven't gone far, and I will return, but I need some time to myself.
I know I cannot stop you all from searching for me, so don't freak out when you can't find me.
I promise I'll return, after all I have a competition to win.


Satisfied with her note, Sang takes one last look around the room before grabbing a small satchel, she packed as much food as she could in it, and went in search of the unknown.


Sang doesn't know how many hours have past, it could have even been minutes, but traveling through a dark tunnel with no light, makes it hard to judge. The amount of times she has tripped over her own feet was starting to wear on her nerves. Next time she comes through these tunnels, she is going to make sure to bring some form of light, she still couldn't believe how stupid she was to forget about something so obvious.

It took her a moment to realise that it wasn't quite so dark anymore, and that there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel. She had to giggle to herself at the thought, maybe it's her death finally come to greet her.

The closer she gets, Sang has to cover her eyes from the blinding light. What she sees has her momentarily frozen, not believing that the tunnels had led her straight to town. For the first time in a long time she laughed with joy, at the possible meaning of freedom. No one to tell her what to do, where to go, when to get up, all her choices where her own, as where her mistakes.

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