The Fist Fight

351 19 2

Brian's P.O.V

Roget clinged onto my hand like there's no tomorrow. I could tell he was worried since there was absolutely no one at the shops, or the streets, or even pubs. It seemed very quiet.

I suddenly stopped and looked around. Roger looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Bri what's wrong...?" He softly asked, a little anxious about the situation.

I looked out into the distance of the park that was nearly always full of people, day and night.

"You feeling what I'm feeling?" I whispered very softly without taking my eyes off the view.

He lightly nodded and tugged on my arm, his eyes begging me to start walking again.

I softly sighed and turned around, making quick eye contact with Roger. We kept walking until we saw a massive crowd of people, standing around something.

I let go of Roger's hand and walked closer to the crowd, trying to figure out what was happening. I looked back at Roger who seemed a little upset. I smiled at him, even though we didn't make eye contact.

I sighed and looked down, then straight back up when I went closer to the center of everyone's attention. Everyone was yelling and pushing. It seemed like something everyone was paying attention to was a fight.

I pushed my way through to the first few 'rows' of people and saw what was happening.

I was shocked. It was Freddie, he was in a fist-fight with some bigger-looking guy.

I heard the man yelling rude things at Freddie, like "People like you belong in hell, not on earth!"

Without thinking through my actions, I jumped in the middle of the fight and tried to stop them.

The big guy was way stronger than Freddie and I put together, but I stopped the fight. It cost me a black eye and a broken wrist, but I stopped it.

Suddenly, everyone stopped cheering and screaming and very quickly left. Some went home, some to the pub. The big guy then aggressively spat on the ground and walked of with a group of other people.

I saw Roger sitting in the park across the street. I then looked at Freddie, who smelled very much like booze, and walked up to him. I helped him get up, seeing that he was in a lot of pain and completely drunk.

"Now would you care to explain what that was all about??" I said, trying to keep my voice down so no one would hear. He looked at me, sighed and looked down to the ground. He had very great broozes on his face, as well as his arms.

I put his arm over my shoulders and we started to make our way over to Roger.

"Freddie?" I heard another sigh from his direction. Roger saw us and jumped up, running over to us and helping Freddie to the nearest bench. We sat down and looked at each other.

"Now Fred, tell us what happened." Roger insisted. Freddie looked at us and whispered, "well..."

He looked very uncomfortable, yet very suspicious. I was starting to lose my patience.

"Freddie, gosh darn it..." I said, clearly annoyed.

"Woah calm down," he said, looking at me. He sat up slightly.

"So what happened was that I walked into a pub, obviously had a few drinks and saw a big man walk up next to me at the bar. He seemed kinda nice and so we had a great conversation. We got to know each other, obviously this all happened with a few bottles of whiskey. The whole conversation then took a turn to the personal side of things-" Freddie stopped and hicupped.

"Excuse me, anyway, he said that he was very religious, and I, not even thinking, then told him I was gay. And what would you expect from a very tall, muscley and very religious man like him? He's a homophobic asshole!"

It was not to my surprise that Freddie got into something like this, but I felt bad for him, knowing how hard it is to tell someone that you're homosexual.

Roger and I eyed each other, thinking about the same thing: taking Freddie and I to the hospital.

Luckily, there was a hospital a few blocks down the road. We stood up and made our way to there.


Freddie has broken his arm and had a minor concussion. Obviously he didn't feel it as the booze had faded it off, but when he wakes up, he would feel terrible.

I had my broken wrist and black-eye treated, then Roger and I decided to stay at the hospital over-night since I didn't feel too well and Freddie would probably forget everything over the period of time he would sleep and someone would have to be there to tell him.

We were placed in a three-bedded room, but Roger and I shared a bed. After all, we were dating.

I kissed his forehead and drifted into a deep sleep.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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