His Eyes

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Roger's P.O.V


He was still. My heart stopped. I screamed. I sat by his side, picked up his head and kissed his forehead, hoping he will awake. But he didn't move a single bit.

Freddie and John ran into the room once again.

"What's going on?!" John yelled, his voice filled with worry and annoyance.

"Well me and Brian... Um... He isn't moving or responding to anything," I said, my eyes stinging with tears.

"John, go call the ambulance." Fred commanded. John ran to the phone.

With tears in my eyes, I turned to Fred and said, "why do I have to suffer like this! What did I do to deserve it! I don't want him to suffer like that!!!" I yelled, crying. I started bashing things. Throwing pillows, kicking walls but Freddie stopped me.

"This isn't gonna make you feel better. Its gonna make it worse." Fred said, holding me. John came running in with the ambulance people following. They picked up Brian and took him to the car.

"I'm going with you!" I demanded. Getting into the car, I sat beside Brian, tightly squeezing his hand. My heart was beating hard. I heard a soft moan. Brian had awoken. He lifted his head and looked around.

"Where am I?" He asked, slowly.

"We're taking you to the hospital. You lost consciousness at home so we needed someone to help." I explained. His eyes stared at me weakly.

" I'm sorry Roger," he began. I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled. His eyes were blank like they were before he passed out. He half smiled and passed out again. Treas filled my eyes. I felt pain fill my whole body. I could barely move.

"Bri?" I picked up his head and shook it, hoping it would do something. I kissed the top of his head and waited until we got to the hospital.


The doctors took him inside and didn't tell me anything but to leave the phone number and and go home and rest plus they promised to ring in the morning. I was greatly disappoined, but knew it was for Brian's sake. I went home, scared and broken.

I forgot that Fred and John were still over, and they scared me.

"How'd everything go? Is he ok?" Fred asked. I ignored him and just went upstairs. I could feel his eyes burning in my back. I ran to the bedroom and jumped on my bed, crying. Tears were flowing down my eyes like waterfalls. I was scared that there was something bad happening to Brian. I was over-floating with tears and emotions.

The next morning, I woke up, all messed ip with tear stains on my face. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was the hospital.

"Mr. May is awating your visit. You have a chance of seeing him around four o'clock." I said that I'll come and quickly ran upstairs to the guest room. Fred was reading a magazine and John was napping.

"I'm sorry Fred for ignoring yesterday. I was just very upset about him at hospital without me. Anyways. Guys, wanna join me on visiting Bri with me?" I asked, full of excitement.

" It's ok. I understand. I think that you sould go by yourself because he is your boyfriend, and he needs you, not us." He explained. I smiled and walked out.

Sorry this is short... ಥ_ಥ I will post something longer later.

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