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I woke up with a smile. Brian was coming home tomorrow. I jumped off of the bed and went to take a shower.

I turned on the tap in the shower and stepped in.

As the water ran down my skin, I remembered the way Brian always ran his hands ran up and down my body. A shiver ran down my spine. I sat in the shower cabin and rested my back on the wall.

Wrapping my arms around my body, I thought of Brian.

I hummed an unknown tune as I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up, water still running, I looked at a clock that hanged above the mirror. 11:45. Great. I wasted 2 hours sleeping.

I quickly jumped out of the shower, still sleepy.

Walking out of the bathroom, Freddie said, "what were you doing in there! I'm busting!"

I giggled.


"Did you have a nightmare? Did the doctor call and said Brian is feeling awful? Did something happen!?" He yelled.

"Woah, calm down. Everything is fine. I just fell asleep." I explained.

He sighed with relief. I smiled and nodded as I continued my way to the bedroom.

I threw on some jeans and a button up. I noticed something sticking out of Brian's bedside table.

I walked up to it. It was a photo. A photo of me sitting on Brian's lap on our first date.

I flipped the picture. It had some kind of letter on it. It said:
I love Roger. If I loose him, it will be the end of me. I will never forgive myself. But I can't live like this anymore. Something is in the way. Feelings? Tears? Depression? Horribe sexists? I don't know. I need help. If Roger finds this, that means I'm in hospital.
This picture should be buried with me if I die... That might be soon...

I dropped the picture.

"What? When did he write that?!" I yelled as I picked up the picture to look at the date that Bri always puts in the right bottom corner of the page.

"24th of November? That was three weeks ago," I whispered.

I ran downstairs and started off the car.

I drove to the hospital and rushed to Brian's room.

"What is this?!" I yelled, holding up the picture.

He froze and said, "that was way before I got here. You know that." He said.

The room went silent.

Sorry this was so short. I will post a new part later in the week. Stay cool guyzzz :)

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