Roger's Turn

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I was broken. I felt Roger's hand go up and down my back.
"I'm here. Its ok." Roger was saying. Over and over.
"Would you like us to stay over here over night just to help if you need it?" John asked. I nodded and Roger agreed.


That night, Roger woke up with cold sweat on his forehead. He had a nightmare. He jumped up and half yelled my name. I turned around and sat up. He was crying. I was feeling much better than before. I heard footsteps outside the room. Fred and John ran in.
"What happend?" Freddie was worried. His voice was shaking.
I patted Roger's back and he swung his arms around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'm assuming Roger had a nightmare. Can you please bring a glass of water." I said. John went on for water and Freddie sat on the opposite side of Roger. He was patting his back.
"Now darling, tell us what happend," Freddie said. Roger wiped his tears away and caught his breath.
"I had a nightmare," he began, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm here Rog, it's ok. You don't have to tell us the whole thing right now. We can talk in the morning," I said. He shook his head. John came running in with water. Roger took a sip.
"I want to tell you now so this doesn't happen in the morning," he sobbed. I smiled and nodded, which seemed to melt him a bit.
"I was climbing up a huge hill because I kept hearing your voice calling me up there. I kept on climbing, but I didn't seem to move an inch. Then the hill turned into dust and it blew me away. I was looking around and I saw you in the middle of nowhere with your neck ripped up into pieces." He said, getting worse.
I pulled away from him and held his hand. Freddie let go and stood up as well. John remained seated in one of the chairs.
"Let's get you cleaned up," I said, pulling him up from the bed, then lifting him up.
I took him into the bathroom and he got undressed. He stepped into the bath and turned on the water. I kissed him on the collar bone and let him go.
"I'll be right back," I said closing the curtain and walking out.
I walked into the bedroom.
"Thank you guys so much. Without you, it would've been worse," I said. They smiled and Freddie hugged me.
"You're always welcome, darling," he said, smiling.

"It's four in the morning. You guys can go sleep and I'll look after him. They smiled and nodded. they walked upstairs to the guest room. I walked back to the bathroom where Roger was.

"Are you feeling ok, Rog?" I asked, but only silence was the response. My heart pounded. I ran to the bath and swung the curtain over. I found Roger sleeping in the bath tub. I picked up his hand and felt his pulse. He was ok. Just sleeping. I leaned over and planted a small kiss on his forehead. As I pulled away, his eyes opened, still half sleepy.

"Bri, what happened?" He asked. My heart dropped.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked, my voice shaking. He shook his head.

"You had a night mare and broke down. Fred, John and I helped you get back," I said, hoping he was just back to normal and fooling around like always. He shook his head and put his hands on his ears. He started screaming.

Only one thing came to my mind. I kissed him tightly. He froze and stopped screaming. More relaxed, he put his hands around my neck and pulled me in closer.

It's great that he can't remember anything. I thought to myself.

Roger pulled away and gasped, "Let's take it up." I nodded and let him get up. He got a pair of undies on and grasped my hand. He pulled me upstairs to the bedroom and pushed me down on the bed. He smiled and leaned on top of me. His hands found their way to my shirt and explored my body.

He kissed my neck and then my lips. He bit my bottom lip. My tougne pushed its way through to his mouth and I explored it. My arms were on his back, pulling him closer to my body. The way I felt him smile made me freeze all over. I opened my eyes to see his face just inches away from mine. His face was fully blank.

I understood the look on his face. It was because I completely stopped. I felt paralysed. I couldn't move my whole body. Just after a few seconds, I passed out.

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