Chapter Ten.

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Harry was sure to keep his distance, standing off to the side about five feet away from the three of them while they got high together. They didn't bother with trying to push him to do it with them, it was clear by his body language that he wasn't interested. They weren't the type to push things on others, but that didn't stop them from doing what they wanted to do.

He'd never been in a situation like that before. His innocence got in the way of fully understanding what was happening as he watched them, but the more he saw the more he understood. He obviously knew what marijuana was, but he didn't know all the different ways to smoke it. He only knew it was an illegal drug and that he shouldn't touch it.

What he noticed was that the more and more Aubry smoked, the more giggly she got. Louis' loud flamboyancy died down and he became more relaxed and reserved, while Niall, on the other hand, got more affectionate. He cuddled into Louis' side and confessed his love for him, saying he's the best friend he could ever ask for. Louis would've normally shoved him off and called him a twat, but he allowed it.

"Look I can be a dragon," Aubry said just before she took another hit, pulling in as much smoke as her lungs could possibly hold, before she blew it all out of her nose.

"Dragons are cool I wish I was one," Niall commented, taking the bowl from her to do the same trick she'd just done.

"Dragons are mythical creatures, Niall," Louis informed him and he frowned.

"So are mermaids but someone still believes in those," he replied, the emphasis on the word someone obviously referring to Louis himself.

"I saw a documentary, they're real."

"About as real as my moms boobs," Aubry giggled sarcastically and Niall laughed.

Apparently Mrs. William's gigantic breasts weren't real. That was news to Harry.

"They are real," Louis insisted. "They've found bodies and everything, they just don't look like Ariel. More like Jennifer Lawrence from Avatar."

"That's horrifying," Niall retorted. "I'd rather not think about that grabbing my leg the next time I go swimming in the ocean."

"It's Jennifer Lawrence, Niall," Louis pointed out. "I'd let her grab me anywhere and I don't even swing that way."

"Me too, honestly," Aubry piped up. "I could handle a boob squeeze or five."

"Hello, yes, I'll take exactly five boob squeezes, thanks," Niall mocked and Aubry giggled.

She puffed out her chest, "Go for it, Niall."

He laughed and declined, but Louis didn't. He grabbed her boob and they all burst out laughing. Harry didn't know whether he should be amused or disturbed by what he was witnessing.

He shifted back and fourth on his feet and the motion was picked up by Louis from the corner of his eye, catching his attention. "You want a boob squeeze too?"

Harry wasn't convinced Louis was speaking to him, despite the fact that his eyes were pinned directly on him. He glanced behind him to see no one standing there and realized the question really was directed at him. He became flustered and shook his head quickly in refusal, "No, no."

"They're fun," Louis tried to entice him, but it only made Harry grow even more flustered and glance down to the patchy grass on the ground, shaking his head in denial again.

Louis could see how just mentioning it got to him and he found it amusing. He'd already gotten the idea earlier in the night that Harry had a crush on Aubry, but seeing his reaction to getting a chance to touch her only confirmed it for him. The boy had it bad, Louis thought to himself, but he wasn't about to put him on the spot and humiliate him by saying it aloud. He wasn't that mean.

Note To Self (Harry Styles AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora