Chapter Twenty Six.

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Over the weekend, Harry had no contact with Aubry whatsoever. He was just as aggravated as he had been before, he was snapping at his mother and had earned himself a few whacks in the back of the head because of it. The only thing that put him in a good mood was the fact that it was a three day weekend and his father had Monday off from work, which he spent with Harry.

Harry and his father bonded over two things; sports and cars. They liked football, and they liked to get their hands dirty working on the old mustang they had in the garage. It was a project they'd started years ago, one that began with a plan to get it up and running that quickly was discarded when they both became too busy to spend time together. Harry got older, school got harder and required more of his time, and his father's hours at work increased to almost never being home. Monday was different, they got a chance to pick up their tools after months of lacking the time, and spent quality time together doing what they loved.

They talked a lot about life and the things that were going on in theirs, and within the walls of the garage away from the listening ears of Harry's mother, they were both a lot more open than usual. Harry's dad was easygoing, at least in comparison to his mom, and made an effort to talk about subjects that would interest him. The obvious go-to; girls.

Harry was standing next to the tool bench, passing the required tools for the job his father was doing under the hood. It was a straightforward and very abrupt way to begin the conversation, but he said it anyway. "Got a girlfriend?"

Harry pinched his brows together, handing over a wrench, "No."

"Why not?"

"Aren't I, like, not allowed?" he asked.

His dad peeked over at him, "What makes you say that?"

Harry shrugged, "I feel like it's bad or something."

He turned back to focusing on his work, but continued to talk. "That's ridiculous. I was about your age when I met your mother."

Harry fiddled with the tools set out next to him, causing them to clink together. He thought for a moment. "Yeah, but you didn't start dating until years later."

"Or did we?" he spoke, a suggestive tone held by his words. "We may not have been serious yet, but we certainly weren't just friends either."

"Are you telling me you lied to grandma and grandpa?" Harry questioned, and he shrugged.

"They never liked her and I did," he explained. "We got married anyway so it doesn't matter if I lied, I got a wife and kids out of it."

"But if I was with someone you guys didn't approve of I don't think you'd be very pleased," Harry pointed out, the irony of his words almost humorous to him. "So I don't think you're setting a very good example here."

He stood up straight and wiped his greasy hands off on a dirty rag, "I trust your judgement. I'm sure any girl you deem worthy of your time would be good for you."

Funny, Harry thought and turned around to return tools to their places as he tried to hide his facial expression from his father. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" he inquired. "What does that mean?"

He shrugged with his back still turned to him. "You never really know. Just because someone is well liked doesn't mean they're a good person, and just because someone isn't so liked doesn't mean they're bad." It was silent for a moment before he let out a light laugh, "Doesn't matter anyway, girls don't like me."

Harry heard the hood of the car being slammed shut and jumped slightly before turning around. "Doubt that's true, you just have to put yourself out there. You like anyone?"

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