Chapter Twenty Eight.

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"Aubry," Harry spoke, his low tone piercing through the peace and quiet that had fallen over them as they sat by the lake later that same afternoon.

She hummed in response, her pen pausing on the paper to listen to what it was he had to say.

"Why'd you start coming out here to write?" he asked. The clear blue skies and the sounds of nature were certainly a plus to joining her daily, but he wanted to know what it was that drew her here in the first place. He knew she'd been doing it long before he'd managed to weasel himself in to go with her, but why?

"It's peaceful," she answered simply. "I needed somewhere quiet where I could focus and not have to worry about anyone bothering me."

"Oh," he mumbled. "Sorry."

Her head turned to look over at him. His long body stretched across the grass with his hands folded and placed on top of his middle, the sun shining over his face to create shadows. The ghost of a smile took place on her lips, "I like when you come with me."

He grinned, "I do too."

"I never thought I would ever consider you one of my closest friends, but here you are," she spoke, making his grin grow.

He let the happiness he felt seep into his voice when he asked, "I'm one of your closest friends?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I would've made you go away a long time ago if you weren't."

It was true, she really did enjoy Harry's company a lot and didn't much like the idea of sitting out in the woods alone anymore. It seemed lonely, not peaceful as it once had.

She closed up her journal and set it aside on the rock before sliding off of it, feet connecting with the grass. "Come on, I want to show you something," she said, beginning to walk in the direction of the willow tree.

He rose from the ground, dusting off the back of his pants before he followed. He'd never actually gone over to the tree before, he was always too nervous to go explore the surrounding area by himself. Simple tasks like that were an uncomfortable thing for him to do if someone else was nearby and not doing it with him. He assumed they'd think he was weird.

What she wanted to show him wasn't super exciting, but good to know anyway. It was a massive blueberry bush behind the tree near the lining of the forest, but they were just budding. Little white flower blossoms scattered the branches, showing just how many berries would soon begin to grow. She lightly touched one of the delicate blooms, "I was hoping there would at least be a few good ones. What a let down."

"It's too early in the year," he said. "My grandma has a big garden and she grows blueberries. They're usually not ready until June."

"The squirrels pick this one clean in a few days so you have to get them fast before they're gone." She stepped over to another bush with small yellow and orange flowers, "Ever tried Honeysuckle before?"

"What?" He watched as she plucked a flower from the bush and stepped down from the rock she stood on, focusing on the little blossom she held.

She popped off the end of the flower, gently extracting the center of it. "I take that as a no," she mumbled, focused on pulling the inner style out. She held it up, a drop of clear liquid on the end. "Lick it."

He ducked away when she attempted to bring it closer to his face, "What are you doing?"

"Lick it," she repeated. "It's good."

"You lick it," he returned, moving his head away when she tried putting it in his face again. He grasped her wrist and lowered her hand down. "I'm not licking a flower."

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