Chapter 2

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What is the 'Glade' ?
"Don't worry, I'll give ya' the tour" the boy said as if he read her mind. "The names Alby" he says. I look behind me to see a few boys taking out supplies I was sent up with. "that's Newt" Ably points to the blonde boy walking towards us. Newt stops in front of us and puts his hands on his hips, "your the first girl greenbrean here, might have to change the bloody rules for ya' ".

"Newt, go make sure everyone knows we'll be havin' a gathering tonight to discuss the newbie" Alby instructs him.

"Good that" Newt mumbles walking away. All these words I don't understand or their meanings for that matter. Alby chuckles and turns his attention back to me, "lets get to that tour" he says. He puts his hand on my shoulder and lead me in a certain direction.
"You've been the toughest of everyone here combined, most of the boys klunked their pants many times before being pulled out of the box" he laughs. what the hell is klunk?

"you get used to life here, but I expect you to follow the three simple rules we have here"

"One, never harm another Glader, two always do your part and three, never leave the Glade". I nod my head. I wanted to ask what was with all the strange words but I still didn't trust them or want to speak. "I'm gonna ask you a question" Alby looked at me. I nodded gingerly and waited for the question. "are you mute?" the look on his face made it seem he thought it was a stupid question, but I didn't think it was. I didn't want to speak I really didn't but the question caught me off guard. I stared at him not knowing what to do or even say, I guess being mute would be a pretty good cover to observe these hormonal boys, no one can bother me with questions that require more than a yes or no. Alby sighed which brought me from my thoughts, "well feel free to shucking speak" he said. "we gonna need to find a place for ya' to sleep, sorry the tour was a little rushed" he says walking slowly.

I catch up to him and walk by his side. boys wolf whistle as I walk past which makes me cower back. "what did I say slintheads? do you want to be banished?!" he yells at them. he walks up to the boys while I stand awkwardly doing nothing. I look at the stone walls with curiosity. I looked over at Alby, having a frustrated conversation with the boys. this place seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I take off in a sprint, each wall had an opening that lead somewhere. I recall Alby saying on the tour earlier that they were all stuck here. but why were there massive openings for people to get out of? I heard the shouts of boys and ran faster. none of them came close to me. I got to an opening in the wall and skidded to a stop. instead of walking in, I walked to the side of the door I guess you could call them. I touched the massive stone. despite the sun beating down on stone it still felt cold to the touch. I shuffled right, along the wall and stopped. a neat ivy rectangle draped around a part of the wall with names etched into it. I stared at the wall and traced some of the names with my fingers. I recognised Alby's and Newt's, I then realised that some had been crossed out with a neat line running straight through them.

"What do you think you're doing greenie?" a some what familiar voice asked roughly. I spun on my heels to face the boy. he had blondish hair and crazy looking eyebrows. he had his arms crossed over his chest and a displeased expression on his face. "most greenies run for the doors not a wall, shanks" he mumbles the last part loud enough for me to hear as well as shake his head slowly from side to side. "oh that's right you can't speak" he studies my face. "well my names Gally if you don't already know".

"Gally we need your help! get your shuck butt over here!" a boy yells from the distance.

"be right there!" he yells back. he turns back to face me,

"that's the wall of names. and that is the maze, do not go in there unless you want to be Griever meat"

he states before abruptly walking away. Maze? Griever? what was a Griever?

I walk back to the door and stare into it. it was a lot darker in there, ivy formed in clumps on the wall and was longer. "ok time to go greenbean" I turn to see Newt drag me away. I look back to see two people run out, one was Asian with dark hair that looked neater than everyone's hair combined. does he use hair products? it would be strange if he did.

The two boys ran past us, "hey Newt!" they both called out. "hey Minho, hey Ben!" he calls back. "I'm picking up where Alby left off" Newt says out of the blue. I was definitely scared out of my wits, but I couldn't show it, I can't let my guard down. "I don't exactly know. but you may be sharing with me, boys won't be able to keep their bloody hands off ya' " he laughs. I didn't find it funny. I think he may of noticed because he stops, "sorry" he says. We stopped walking when we arrived at the leaning building I saw earlier. I looked at it in awe, "earth to Greenbean, come on" he beacons from the opened door. I walk in slowly. why do people people keeping calling me greenbean or greenie? why do I have so many questions. I'm lead into a room in a hallway, "this I my room which is also now your room for the time being". I nod my head. "Ok, lets go" he walks out of the room and opens the door, I follow the whole time. I really don't like this place, but why does this boy have to be so familiar?


A/N: another finished chapter which took ages! and was short so I'm very sorry. IMPORTANT: if you are wondering about Nick I have decided not to include him because he isn't described enough in the book or movie (obviously) but the setting is placed before Chuck, Thomas or Teresa even arrive in the Glade. so if you have questions don't be afraid to PM me (I don't bite, promise)

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now