Chapter 21

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new chapter which has been edited.

Enjoy lovelies ❤️

The next morning Alby stood at the door watching carefully as Jeff and I stood next to him.

I looked to Alby who simply nodded. I retrieved the crutches from the corner of the room and leant them on the bed where Newt lay, Looking at him, a small smile to assure him everything was alright.

Personally I thought it was too soon to let him try the crutches, physically and mentally but since Newt jumped Alby has become distant and hard and it felt like he was just trying to push things back into order.

I pull away the blankets and take a look at his ankle that was covered in a sea of bandages. I exhale and hold out my arms for Newt to hold.

He wraps his hands around my biceps and I heave him up while he tried standing on one leg, Jeff saunters over and puts one of Newt's arm around his shoulder as I take his other arm.

I pass Jeff one of the crutches so Jeff and I put them under Newt's arms and help him grab hold of them properly.

"Ok, Newt are you ready?" I ask.

I give him a small peck on the cheek, "you can do this" I whisper before stepping back and nodding.

I knew Alby and Jeff were looking at me but I didn't care if they saw what I did, I cared for Newt and was genuinely showing my concern.

Newt puts the crutches in front of him and favours his broken ankle, pushing his weight onto the other leg.

I put my hands together and hold them in front of my lips nervously, Newt wobbles a little bit but recovers. He repeats the process and wobbles again.

My breath hitches in my throat as he wobbles again and repeats the process over and over. I looked at Alby who also looked a little nervous and on edge, Jeff was watching nervously as well. Newt puts the crutches in front of himself again, he gets a steadier pace which calms my nerves a little.

"Try the stairs" Alby says.

"Alby I don't think-" I began,

"I said try the stairs" Alby says sternly, cutting me off in mid sentence.

Jeff, Newt and I share a look before Jeff holds the door open for Newt to go through. I sigh again and begin gnawing at my pinkie nail as Jeff helps Newt down the stairs,

"Let him do it himself now" Alby orders Jeff.

Jeff backs away from Newt, Newt looking at me and nodding. He puts one of the crutches onto the next step and then his non-broken leg and the rest follows and repeats it again.

he only had a few steps and it would be over I kept telling myself and it was working but he got to the third last step and I didn't know what had happened but next thing I knew he tumbled the rest of the way and cried out in pain.

"Newt!" I yelled.

Jeff and I ran down the stairs first which was then followed by Alby.

"My bloody leg, it hurts so shucking bad!" He yells through gritted teeth.

I propped Newt up in my lap and ran my fingers through his hair trying to soothe him.

"Look what you did Alby, I warned you he wasn't ready and now his ankle is worse then when it started!" I yell through blurry eyes from the tears.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now