Chapter 14

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I sit outside in the dark watching the stars, glitter and the moonlight that drenched the glade in silver.

I couldn't sleep, most of the boys slept outside, their bodies slumped against trees and the homestead. I smiled to myself realising how peaceful they looked, unlike during the day when they were rowdy.

My thoughts wander for awhile. I wondered who my parents were or are, if I had siblings, what happened out past the maze?

I wondered where I got my knowledge from, I know general knowledge like why the grass was green or why the sky was blue but nothing of where I lived or who I even loved.

I tried to think harder but it only resulted in my head throbbing and aching. I tried again, three times until I got too dizzy and my head was hurting. I lie down on the grass and face the sky,

"why am I here?" I whisper to myself, hoping that someone would answer me.

The same picture flashes in my mind of the plaque but this time further away, a sheet of ivy covering a corner. It sat on a stone wall a lot like the maze walls.

My vision returned, the glade and silver moonlight still in tact. I need to find that plaque, maybe I could ask Minho in the morning if he could show me.

If anyone finds out I'm helping Rose, I'm dead. they already killed the doctor that helped her get into the maze. My feelings for WICKED have changed dramatically since when I first arrived but it's not like I had any choice, my Dad gave permission for WICKED to take me.

And I still do not believe we'll find a cure but there is no point in telling WICKED that, they'll keep trying to fix something that is beyond repair. We could be using our generation to start over, find a safe place to live.

I keep the camera focused on Rose. she sat with her back to the camera but I could tell she was staring into the sky. I looked at her brain activity that expressed curiosity. Rose was always an interesting person and her love for Newt was even greater, they both loved each other dearly and had a strong bond but then Newt was sent into the maze and she acted different, she was secretive and quiet and when we found out she was in the box it was already too late.
Rosalind's P.O.V

I think I may have fallen asleep a few times but woken up just in time to see the beautiful sunrise. The clouds flaring up with colours of golden yellow, a faded pink kissing the edges of the clouds. the sun, in its blazing glory was blurred as it rose from under the earth. the sun rose higher every minute, soon getting too hard to look at. I look away and shield myself with one hand.

I contemplate wether or not to ask Minho to go with him so I can see the plaque. pushing myself up, I feel the usual tingle of pain running through my body. I would probably find Minho in the map room, but no ones allowed in there.

I'll stay outside and if he's in there I'll wait. I step over sleeping bodies until I get outside the map room. I could hear Minho but he was also with Newt. there goes talking to him alone,

"why don't you just tell her then?" I heard Minho say between the crinkle of paper.

"Because, what if she doesn't"

"That's why you have to ask, slinthead"

"You're a bloody big help" Newt replies sarcastically.

Why were they talking about me? Newt wanted to ask me something?

"how else do you find out?" Minho asks

"Wait for her?" Newt suggests

"If you want to wait, expect a year or two" I could picture Minho shrugging his shoulders and acting like he knew everything about girls,

"Dude just admit you like her, to her face"Minho said.

Newt liked me? did I like him back? I think I did. I realised I had just eavesdropped on a private conversation, deciding I need to go before I hear anything else, or they catch me listening in on the conversation. I walk away and sprint towards the kitchen.

I look back to make sure they weren't walking out and ran into something hard. I stumble backwards onto my bum.

I look up while rubbing my forehead as my eyes meet Gally's the person I don't want to see at the moment,

"sorry, Rose" he apologises.

he sticks out a hand to help me up. I sigh and put my hand in his. he pulls me up. "I'm also sorry for acting like a complete jerk"

"It's ok" I reply

"No, it's not. I hurt your feelings and I hate when you're angry" I couldn't help but smile. he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you"

"I never told Alby by the way" he said.

I pull back and smile, hugging him tighter,

"I think we should eat before the greenie gets here" Gally chuckles, I could feel the vibrations. I give him a questioned look.

"your challenge is to eat an apple"

"Really?" I roll my eyes,

"You don't what do die you dumb shank"

I sigh and walk towards the kitchen. "hey frypan" I greet him. "hey Rose, let me guess, an apple?" I nod my head with a smile.

seeing Gally hug Rose broke Newts heart into the tiniest fragments. It wouldn't have been an issue if it was a friendly hug, but to Newt this particular hug did not look friendly.

Newt looked to Minho, you're reading into it too much Newt thought to himself. Minho shrugged.

Newt and Minho sat down at the same table as Gally and Rose, Newt was relieved  to see her at least eating small bites out of an apple.

He also noticed her cheeks turning the same colour as the red coloured apple. her pale blue eyes were captivating to Newt as he began to wonder if he had over thought the whole situation.

Rose glanced at Newt a few times when he wasn't looking. She still couldn't quite believe her ears, it gave her butterflies knowing Newt liked her. she thought maybe that was a sign of liking someone.

Since arriving in the Glade Newt had felt a little depressed but when Rose arrived he had felt a tiny bit better it didn't mean his feelings had disappeared, he still fought his brain against awful thoughts to harm himself or even kill himself.

They were strong feelings of hatred towards himself. he blames himself for the deaths of friends in the glade, he had always tired hard to not show his feelings.

He glanced at Rose a few times, it was weird, no one was talking. There was no tension there was an awkward silence. the blaring greenie alarm was finally going off.

Rose bolted from her seat with Gally in tow, Newt suddenly changed his mind again.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now