Chapter 24

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This chapter is a little shorter but hey it's a double update :)

Enjoy lovelies ❤️

"hey rose, you ok?" I heard newt ask.

One half of his body was in view the other concealed by the corner of the homestead.

I look at him before looking back down at the ground,

"It's because you're going to be a bloody runner isn't it" Newt stands in front of me but can't sit because of his crutches. I look up at him and simply nod.

"I don't want to go back in there, Newt"

"You know you can do it Rose, you're stronger than this"

"I don't know Newt, I don't feel strong at all, I feel more like klunk"

"We all do, Minho does, Alby does, Chuck does but if we give up then we'll never bloody get out of here"

"We never are, that's the problem. Alby said it there is no way out of this shucking mess"

"What happened to the happy Rose?" Newt said trying to cheer me up.

I smile a little, "she left for awhile"

"C'mon, early morning means early night"

"Ok mum" I tease.

Minho shook me awake, I think he enjoyed it more than he let on but I got out of be nonetheless.,

"The only way you get better is if you train, in the actual maze, don't worry shank, I'll be with you the whole time"

What if I stuff up? What if I'm too slow? What if I don't make it back before the doors close? All these questions ran through my head at an alarming speed, I Eventually lost track of a few of my questions.

I ate breakfast quietly, not speaking a word, finishing quickly before Minho showed me the essential gear before we waited by the doors.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and whip around. I get a glimpse of blond hair before their lips were on mine, he caresses my cheeks with both hands, it was a soft, caring kiss.

I pulled away, out of breath but couldn't help smiling. Newt also smiled,

"You're not on crutches, doesn't it hurt?" I ask suddenly alarmed.

"No, well yes but doesn't hurt when I limp. I'm only not bloody using em' so I can say goodbye to you" Newt says.

The doors slowly began moving, it was still an awful noise and now I was just closer to it, Newt pulled me into a hug,

"be safe" he whispered, he then pecked on the cheek.

"c'mon you two love birds, times a wasting" Minho urged.

"See you soon" I answer Newt.

He nods and watches Minho and I run into the maze.
"Doin' pretty good shank" that was the best compliment I was ever going to get out of Minho.

I continued to cut the vines, when I first started cutting the vines, I was having to slow down but now I was keeping steady pace. I would just jab at the vines with force until my knife hit the stone. I did it again but this time it hit metal, I stopped.

I looked at Minho and then back at the vines,

"Rose what's wrong now?" I ignored Minho and pulled away the vines.

It was the plaque that my mind remembered.

It read out;


So that's what WICKED stands for. It's an organisation.

Someone's words echo in my head, "I did it to save humanity Rose" I jump back.

The words fade away. I look back at Minho,


"No-nothing, let's keep going" I urge.

Minho shrugs as we break out into a jog again.

We stopped for lunch, "finally it took you shucking ages!" Minho sighs,

"What the shuck are you talking about?" I asked confused

"You and Newt" my cheeks heat up as I look at my sandwich. I didn't reply.

"Come on give me the details"

"Minho it's nothing, drop it"

"It's something shuck face did I not tell you Newt liked you?"

I couldn't help but laugh,

"For once Minho, the Sass King is being serious?"

"You bet I am shank"

"Minho if you're so interested ask Newt because I just want to get out of this maze in one piece"

Something flashed in Minho's eyes like sadness or worry,

"Nothing will happen to you if I can help it you're like my my younger sister"

the mood in the air became really serious.

"I totally forgot what you had gone through in the shucking maze" Minho said.

"It's ok" I shrug off the memory.

"Let's keep going"

We continued, I kept cutting the vines with my knife. I just couldn't wait to get back to the glade.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now