Chapter 18

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New chapter yay!
A few Gladers gave me weird looks as I sprinted through the field occasionally bumping Gladers roughly on the shoulder, knocking them out of the way.

My eyes were glued to Gally as he got further away. The doors squealed and began closing, my ears had gotten used to the uncomfortable sound of concrete and rusty metal rubbing against each other.

I pushed and urged my legs to move faster and that's when people began noticing, they called out for me to stop and I could hear Minho as well, yelling my name. So was Chuck and so many other Gladers, but I didn't stop. Adrenaline kicked in giving me a rush of power, hoping and praying that I would get to Gally.

I squeezed through the gap in the doors and fell on the hard ground with a thud, what made it worse was that the thud of the doors closing was louder and even more terrifying. I got up and whipped around to see a small glimpse of Gally look at me before disappearing around the corner.

I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands. Was it possible I just lost all the friends I made and they had lost me? And come to think of it I've lost Newt as well.

I squeeze my eyes shut and open them again before walking towards a wall and thrashing my fists at it. I ignored the pain and the blood dripping between my fingers and the sores on my knuckles, tears streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall.


Minho had ran and found Newt to tell him the bad news. Newt was devastated, why would she do that? He thought. Why would she leave him? Did she not share the same feelings he did for her?

Questions began overlapping themselves in his head, he ran his fingers through his hair and ran out to the maze doors where everyone stood. All looking solemnly at the doors, hoping that the creators would be nice enough to open the doors so he could find her but minutes passed and nothing happened, she was gone.

He found Chuck snivelling by the doors, Newt was surprised that he was crying despite knowing Rose for only a day or two. He lowered his head.

He trudged back to the homestead and sat on his bed. His feelings were changing dramatically. To him it seemed to have happened so quickly and Newt felt useless to the fact that he couldn't do  anything to bring Rose back, He grabs the fabric of the scratchy blanket from her bed and cried.

It seemed so dumb to him but he felt as though it was his fault, that he had lost someone he had growing feelings for. His chest was aching and his eyes red and puffy from crying.


It was too  dark to see anything and I couldn't  find Gally anywhere. I was lost in the stupid maze and to make it worse the maze kept changing and who knows where those Grievers are. My hands were throbbing and my legs hurt.  I regretted coming after Gally now, I don't even know what came over me.

The grinding of concrete on concrete once again annoyed me as I jogged around aimlessly.

Whirr, click, click the sound sent shivers up my spine as I spun around in a circle looking for the source. At the end of the corridor was a disgusting and terrifying griever.

My eyes widened and my heartbeat quickened to the speed of light-I'm sure. This time there was no escaping this griever, it wasn't a hallucination. It's mechanical legs began moving and created the whirring noise, when its feet hit the ground it made the click noise.

I spin back around and began running. The clicking intensified and when I looked back I realised the Griever had morphed into a ball and was much faster. I ran in many different directions trying to shake off the griever but it followed, it didn't help that the maze continued to change and I still had no idea where I was going.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now