Chapter 11

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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't edited and my idea on the runners that you will read soon I have ten percent on my laptop so I'm trying to do a publishing spree that's why I'm not editing I will edit soon, sorry.
(A/N: sorry for the jumps)

My mobility had become better but I couldn't practice my shooting, I'll probably sneak out to the forest tonight.

a smile creeps onto my lips knowing I'll be putting myself at risk again,

"what are you smirking about shank?" Minho says jokingly.

"N-nothing" I stutter. my cheeks heating up. why the hell was I blushing?

"probably thinking about a boy" he teases.

I had forgotten we were eating lunch on another painfully slow and sunny day in the Glade,

"maybe she's thinking about Newt" Minho wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

of all days that Minho didn't have to map the maze, it was today. My cheeks burnt furiously,

"shut up you piece of Klunk!" I yelled.

"leave her alone Minho" Gally scolded.

Minho chuckled and finished eating his lunch, I flashed Gally a thankful smile which he returned.

"I'm going to go practice my archery skills" I announce standing up. it was no secret to anyone anymore at the fact I had requested for a bow and arrows some weeks ago.

I walked quickly towards the homestead and grabbed my things before walking into the deadheads. I found it weird no one had seen Newt yet. he's usually with Minho, or Alby.

I tried to make sure I remembered the way I came so I could get back out. I found a cool looking tree a few metres in front of me and stopped, I shoot my arrows, focussing only on the rough tree bark.

I finish shooting and pack away my things. I realised, by the position of the sun that I had time left. I walk calmly through the forest and of course forget which way I had come.

I try back tracking but it still leads me nowhere. I kept walking until I hear soft sobs. most likely a Glader, beetle blades don't make that noise, I was sure of it.

I inch carefully towards the noise, making sure not to step on any dry sticks that could make a noise under my foot. I see a flash of blond hair as continue walking, I get to the tree.

Newt sat there staring at the sky sobbing.

"Newt?" I ask aloud.

I was meant to say it in my head damnit. he whips around to see me, his face stained with wet tears,

"bloody hell Rose, what are you doing here?" he asks.

I lift my bow and arrows as proof to what I was doing.

He quickly wipes tears away with the back of his hand. I drop down beside him, wincing at the pain in my abdomen, I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for the pain to subside.

Newts hand grabs mine and he squeezes gently, my eyes snap open to stare at him. he had a weak smile on his face.

"It's ok, the pain goes soon" he reminds me, his voice cracking.

"Is something wrong?" I ask. "you don't want to know" he said flatly.

A few moments of silence followed the sentence before I wrapped my arms around his torso.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I hate it here" he finally manages to blurt.

"I'm sure it's no walk in the park for anyone Newt, it's hard remembering only your name" I point out.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now