Chapter 23

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guys tell me when the storyline gets confusing, then I will explain things a little more clearly :)

Enjoy lovelies ❤️
"What? Gally you're not talking sense, maybe you should lie down and-"

"No Rose you're not understanding, I'm not lying, this is me thanks to those shucking Grievers"

"And what, out on a whim they decide to tell you exactly how I end up here?" I stifle a laugh of utter anger and keep my eyes fixed to Gally.

"I'm telling the truth you slinthead, they wouldn't tell me which boy you wanted to be with but I have a pretty good idea" he looks at me also expecting me to know.

"Don't look at me shank, I don't have any memories before the box. You're the one that went running in there to get stung and leave you for me to carry your shuck butt out of there, and if I hadn't of done that Newt wouldn't be suffering!" I let all my pain and anger out in that one sentence.

I knew I shouldn't be taking it out on Gally but I was neglecting my feelings for so long that the bottle finally shattered, metaphorically speaking.

Gally just stared at me, although it was a creepy stare like he could see straight through me,

"I'm sorry Rose, but if I told you why I ran in there you wouldn't shucking like it. And you had a choice to run in there"

"Yeah, I didn't want you to die. You could've stayed then I wouldn't have had the choice to run in there after you to save that shuck butt of yours" I say in a calmer state than before.

"You have to believe me on this one Rose" Gally pleads.

I shake my head, "I don't know Gally, they could be lying, this whole place could be a lie. This place has hurt so many boys here and it's all WICKEDs' fault" I continue,

"how many more names are we going to have to cross off the wall because of them. They have the answers to why we're here while we are actually here sitting in ignorance and trying to live a life that shouldn't be lived here" I was finally letting it all out,

"Explain to me what we have done that is so bad that we get locked up in his shucking hell hole, because I sure as hell don't want to spend the rest of my dismal life here enclosed between four shucking walls!" I was getting worked up again.

Someone was bound to hear our ruckus soon and I could feel hot tears prick my eyes and fall down my cheeks.

"You don't understand Gally. The pain that Alby has gone through knowing two of the people he's known the longest tried to kill themselves, you don't understand the fact I didn't even understand that until now because I pushed away the feelings and to now realise I'm up here for some boy? It's too much to handle mentally" I was shaking like an idiot but I couldn't stop it.

I was losing control of my body,

"Rose, calm down" Gally says taking a step closer,

"I-I can't" more tears fell from my eyes as I shook furiously, taking a step away from Gally. I didn't want anyone to comfort me.

"Rose, what's wrong?"

"I don't know!" I scream.

Gally wrapped his arms around me, my head in the crook of his neck. my arms were pinned to my side and the tears kept coming. after a few minutes my tears dimmed to quiet sobs.

"I'm sorry" Gallys' voice cutting through the silence, his voice still wasn't the same.

"I'm sick of everyone saying sorry" I whisper. Gally didn't answer, but I realised I had stopped shaking.

I picked at my food with a fork in one hand and propped my head up with my other hand, my elbow resting on the table.

It was deadly quiet, Minho wasn't making sassy remarks about the food, Alby wasn't talking and I wasn't talking with Newt. not that I didn't want to there was just nothing to talk about.

I was pretty upset about this whole situation Newt and Gally would be even worse, they just know how to conceal their feelings.

I finish and get up suddenly, their heads snap in my direction. I ignore their stares that burn holes in me as I stride off.

I sit outside, behind the homestead, it was quieter. I sigh, staring at the thick ivy growing freely on the stone wall.

I pick up a sharp rock and clutch it in my right hand tightly. I threw all my anger into the rock and chucked it as hard as I could, it shatters to tinier pieces as it hits the stone wall.

I chucked another and another until I wasn't angry anymore, nothing in the glade was wrong until I came here. And now Gally's telling me I'm here for a boy? my life before the glade must have been pretty messed up and tomorrow I become a runner.

The plaque flashes in my mind again but this time lingers, words echo in my head.

"why did you do it Thomas?" they were my words and they echoed.

my voice faded with the image of the plaque, I sat in an astonished state. who was Thomas? and what did he do to make me so angry?

I did it again, I gave Rose another memory. I know I should stop doing it but I want her to remember, the way of making her remember on Gallys' part failed but its true the swipe wasn't performed on her correctly so she could remember.

That's what I'm hoping for but that's what Janson fears. if I keep giving her memories they'll take her out of the experiment and most likely dispose of her. I watch the glade carefully, the boys cared for her like protective older brothers except Newt of course. He loves her a lot and it was that way before the Maze as well.

Thomas taps me on the shoulder, "Chancellor Paige would like to speak with you" Thomas then walks off as quickly as he arrived.

I get up and navigated myself to the chancellors office. I knocked three times before hearing the chancellors voice telling me to enter. I close the door behind me,

"take a seat" Ava points to a chair next to Janson. I nod my head and silently saunter over to the chair.

"As you know Rosalind's results are very promising and crucial to the results of this experiment"

"Yes chancellor" I nod.

"But her swipe wasn't completed properly and as a result, memories are slipping through" the chancellor takes a breath and continues,

"Janson and I have made a decision to remove Rosalind from phase one and perform the swipe on her properly before placing her in the end of phase one and letting her continue"

The memories were partly my fault but at least they weren't going to kill her. Janson was happy, judging by his face. but chancellor Paige seemed disappointed. I didn't know what they had in stall of her. They told me snippets of what they were going to do to her.

"that's all" Janson answers,

"Don't worry, we won't harm her" chancellor Paige assures me but what Janson mumbled made it worse

"yet" he sniggered.

I hope my sister will be alright.

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