Chapter 9

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Hey everybody new update enjoy and please give feedback :)
Running, I realised that was what I was doing yet I didn't know what I was running from. Massive walls made of stone,  I twisted around corners and brushed against the ivy hanging from the stone.

I could hear when my feet collided with the floor, my body skidding to a stop as I looked around. shouts were echoing through the place I was in, I think it may have been in the maze. I begin to run towards the voice.

I turned the corner and saw Newt shouting at me, he was being mauled by Grievers. the disgusting creatures were tearing at his clothes and skin, blood everywhere. "Newt!" I yelled. he screamed in agony. I caught another Grievers attention, it started trudging towards me.

The two Grievers finished up with Newt and also walked towards me, catching a glimpse of Newt through the Grievers, his blond hair was matted with blood and his clothes were a mess of blood and tatters, his lifeless eyes staring in my direction and his face stuck in an infinite scream. I let out choked sob and squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the Grievers to kill me.

The only thing I could think of was to scream until my throat hurt, or at least until the Grievers kill me.

"Greenbean, wake up you're dreaming!" I hear newt yell.

I open my eyes and stare into his chocolate coloured ones, a relived look washed over him as he relaxed. I propped myself up on my elbows.

I had given Rosalind another chance, but Janson still wants her killed and if he gets the chance he won't hesitate.

We had also boosted the feelings Newt had towards her which is successful.

It's sad their relationship had to start all over again but Rosalind knew that when she went up into the maze, she knew he wouldn't be able to recognise her but she wanted to be with him. I know how cheesy it sounds but their love for each other was unbreakable.

I observed Newt and Rosalind on a camera, observing Newts brain along with Rosalind's.

Janson strides over to look at my screen, "Good job, keep it up" he says in a strict tone.

I nod my head obediently and increase Newts feelings. I hated myself even more when performing and playing around with the subjects brains. Chancellor Paige was considering making Rosalind a subject which I already considered her as but the Chancellor wanted to make it official, give her a label if she makes it to phase two of the trials. They wanted to settle on A0, they were sure she would make it as her IQ was higher than most of the boys there, and those boys well let's just say most definitely won't make it to phase two as WICKED were weeding out the weak from the strong.

I mentally sigh and lean on my right arm which was propped up on a white desk in the room.

"Are you sure you're ok? you gave me a bloody fright" he shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed.

I throw my head back into the pillow and feel wet tears soak my closed eyelids. I lift my head off the pillow, wipe my eyes and walk out. My body was craving fresh air and a peaceful place to be.

I shouldn't have left Newt there without an explanation (which I couldn't give him) but I needed a short escape and what better place than the deadheads.

I walk at a fast pace towards the deadheads. I push further into the forest and stop by a tree. I didn't understand what was going on with my mind.

possible hallucinations, crazy dreams and all to do with that one disgusting green creature. I sigh and rest my head against the rough tree bark, who put us here? have we done something wrong? does my family miss me? do I even have a family?

Two boys emerge from the trees and I recognise them as builders, "just who we wanted to see" one of them smirked.

the other laughed as they inched closer ever so slowly, "you see, the two of us got talking. we reckon we could do anything to you and you  wouldn't be able to even scream for help" he said evilly.

I jump up and back away, walking backwards while keeping my eyes fixed on them. my heart beats faster. I turn around and run, I run forward far enough to turn right and run back up. one of the boys emerging from the trees crashing into my side making me fall to the ground, the air pushed violently from my lungs. The two boys pull me up roughly. "Feisty one, let's get it over with" the boy says with boredom in his voice. I took the time to take in both of the boys features when I saw the glimmer of a knife blade pulled out of the smaller boys pocket.

The small boy had brown hair with freckles dotted on his pale skin and green eyes. The taller boy -who knocked me over- had shaggy blond hair grey eyes and almost translucent skin which seemed peculiar considering his hair colour. They both wore dirty yet comfortable clothes. The taller boy grabbed me by the waist and brought me closer to him, I tried to push myself away but his grip only got tighter. His revolting breath fanned over my face, I scrunched my face up in disgust and wished for the stubby boy to stab me already.

The blond boy slowly began snaking his hands up under my shirt. My mind began panicking worse than before? I began lashing out at the boy, at his face, eyes, arms, hands anywhere that would cause him immense pain.

"Shucking hell, hold still!" The stubby boy dug the tip of the knife blade into my back. The blond boy tried to unclasp my bra which I was most definitely not ok with, I swing my leg backwards which sent the boy hurtling towards the ground.

I swung my other leg upwards that collided with the boy, somewhere down there.

They were both groaning, "Get the shucking girl" the blond boy said to the other through groans. I take one last look before trying to run.

The boys had recovered quickly and were chasing after me. The short one grabbed my leg which caught me off guard as I landed on the ground beside a tree with a thud. He spins me around as the tall boy pins my arms above my head while laying on me in the most awkwardest of positions.

"Hurry up you slinthead we still have to kill her" the short one impatiently interrupted. My eyes dart from one to the other anxiously.

The blond boy rolls his eyes and began trying to unclasp my bra once again, I wriggle in his grasp and was about to scream when his disgusting mouth made contact with mine. I try to shake his lips of mine and when I do I scream as loud as humanly possible.

The boy gets up and looks around the whole forest as footsteps could be heard. The short boy lifts up his arm, shakily and brings down the knife to successfully lodge the knife in my stomach. I scream out in pain and let out a soft whimper, clutching my stomach firmly yet softly with the knife blade between my index finger and middle finger. It fell out with not much force meaning it mustn't have been too deep, yet it felt as though the knife had gone right through me.

I begin to sob a short time before Gally finds me, He crouches beside me,

"What the shuck happened!?" Gally yelled worriedly. I shrugged.

"I know you can speak , I heard you scream and you're the only girl in the shucking glade. We have to get you to the med-jacks "

"Good that" I reply in a raspy voice. he picks me up bridal and begins walking out of the forest. I'm sure I passed out while in his arms because all I feel is a slight sway before my body embraces the darkness and goes limp.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon