Chapter 3

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I picked at my food while dangerously sitting by myself at a table. I knew it was a stupid idea. I had met the cook, his name was Frypan. I was pretty sure it was a nickname. he was an ok cook, I mean you can't expect the best when you have to improvise.

"Why ya' sittin by yourself Greenie?" I recognised his voice as Gally. I looked up at him, it was definitely frustrating pretending to be mute. "oh that's right, sorry forgot about the whole shucking mute thing. must be frustrating" he sighed sitting down across from me, these boys just read my mind. I put my head back down and began picking at my food again, "we'll get to see just what you're made of when we choose your job" he chuckles. Jobs? oh I remember, Alby told me about it, the keepers decide what job I am suitable doing. I look up and smile at him. So far the boys seemed nice, but I still can't trust them. they could turn at any time.

They have barely told me anything that goes on behind the massive stone walls. "Life here doesn't become so bad after awhile, trust me any of us would know what it feels like, we all came up that shucking box" he tried to smile but behind it was sadness, "Gally why don't you leave her alone?" A boy asks from behind him. "I don't think she minds, Minho" Gally says angrily. I smile at Gally. "See" he mumbles. "Yeah well the gatherings going to be soon so-" the Minho dude started. Gally rolls his eyes and turns back to face me. Just as he did an awful grinding noise filled the air. It sounded like concrete against concrete and almost like fingernails on a chalkboard. I cupped my ears and looked around frantically. The massive gateways were closing slowly, the noise of the four doors was extremely loud and cupping my ears wasn't doing much good.

Gally stood up and out his hands on my shoulders, "it'll be over soon" he shouts over the noise. I nod my head but keep my hands securely over my ears trying to block outthe noise. Sure enough Gally was correct, the noise stopped. I took my hands away from my ears and stood up. All four doors had closed what happens now? Are we stuck here forever? I looked over to Gally, a confused expression on my face. "They open again in the morning greenie" he laughs, " I better get going, gathering to get to" I nod my head. He spins on his heels and walks away. what do I do now? "your're coming too greenbean" Newt says while walking past. I wasn't going with them, what if it was a trap. I spin a circle looking for a way out. I spotted the forest, the first line of trees were most definitely dead but thick green foliage grew from behind the dead trees. I looked at Newt who had begun turning around, that's when I took my chance. I urged my feet to run as fast as they could. my speed began picking up rapidly. the forest crept closer. I could hide somewhere in there. I looked behind me and saw Minho catching up. my lungs began to burn as I tried to move faster. I reached the dead part of the forest, my pace slowing. I heard the crunch of leaves behind me and in three other directions. I held my breath so I could hear better. I stopped for a minute before walking deeper into the forest.

I stopped at a random tree and slid down the trunk landing on the dead leaves. I raised my head to look at the leaves of the tree. The night sky peeked trough the holes in the leaves, Everything felt so overwhelming. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I couldn't remember anything and as well as being frustrating it also felt upsetting.

I hated not knowing what lies behind the stone walls, I had only seeing the entrance. Strange and inhumane wails could be heard like an echo through the thick walls. it made me push my back harder against the tree despite the fact I knew the tree hadn't moved an inch from its position two minutes earlier. I felt tears prick my eyes and fall slowly down my red cheeks. I wipe them away with my bare arm.

"There ya' are greenie!" I jump and look to my left, where the voice were coming from. the rapid darkening of the sky made it hard to make out who was standing there but I soon realised it was Minho. "the Gladers have been waiting patiently I guess, can't really tell all the way out in the buggin' deadheads looking for you" he grumbles. so this is place is called the deadheads I guess, "c'mon greenie, this time no running. that's my job" I stand up shakily and look ahead, avoiding Minho's stare.

Minho leads the way and I follow slowly behind him. "I wouldn't trust Gally ya' know" he blurts out not looking behind him. Gally seemed alright to me. Minho stops outside a large shack looking structure made from sticks. many voices could be heard, all talking at once. Minho looked at me and gave a pitied smile. he opened the door and held it open for me to step through. The nervousness was overwhelming. wolf whistles replaced the speaking as I was guided by Minho to a seat in the middle of Newt and him.

I sit down slowly and look at my feet that now seemed to be the most interesting thing in the world, "Shut your holes!" Alby yelled at the disobedient boys. the room quietened down which made Alby continue, "ok, let's get this gathering started" he said, a little calmer this time.


A/N: hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in ages with school and all but now that it's almost Christmas break and school is almost over, I'll have have more time to write and update. please vote and comment as I don't really know if you guys are liking the story or not. see you  soon and merry Christmas

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now