Chapter 28

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Speeding things up now,

Enjoy lovelies ❤️
"We were trying to figure out what to bloody do without telling you"

"When did the note arrive?" I asked, ignoring his last statement,

"Beginning of the week demanding we bloody banish you, I won't be able to do it" Newt shook his head.

I hugged him tight, I had four more days here. I didn't want to count them, or waste them being angry at everyone for hiding it. They didn't have a choice after all.


"she knows, part two of the plan must commence, send up the second message" Janson orders.

He watches the screens and waits for however long it takes the supply lift to reach the Glade.

"Are you sure we should do this?" I asked him,

"Don't question my authority boy, I can make her suffer" Janson threatens.

I shut my mouth and keep watching the screens.



It was another note, Alby jumped in and grabbed the note, reading it out loud

"send the girl through the doors now and save everyone else"

I look at Newt, "I need to" I whisper.

He shakes his head and I only nod in response.

"Alby" I call out, he looks up and nods. two boys use a rope to hoist Alby up before I'm lead to a pair of the doors.

everyone mills around. I hold Newts hands and say goodbye to him first, pulling him into a long kiss filled with only sadness.

"Don't do anything stupid" I whisper to him, our faces inches apart and I place both my hands on the sides of his face gently

I proceed to say goodbye to Minho, then Chuck who was a crying mess, then Gally and Alby and all the other Gladers in between. I take a deep breath and hug Newt one last time,

I wave to everyone once again. I felt odd that this was happening, my adrenalin was killing me.

Newt whispers in my ear, "I will find a way out, and save you"

I nod my head and step through the doors I spin around to watch everyone watch me as the doors close ever so slowly.

I watch the stone doors for five minutes before a voice brings me from my thoughts,

"hello Rose" I turn slowly to face a woman dressed in white from head to toe.

"So glad you cooperated with us so far" I watch her carefully, ready to react in a way that would keep me alive.

"there is one last thing I need you to do, as part of the trials we need to make the other subjects think certain things, all I need you to do is scream as loud as you can"

I stare at her, my confusion evident.

I couldn't let Newt think I was dead, I shake my head.

"please Rose, don't make your friends suffer" she urged me.

I clenched my jaw, these people like using that word a lot as if they wanted us to suffer. I observe the woman for a minute, I couldn't possibly guarantee my safety anymore but I had to do what I could to keep everyone else safe.

Then I let out the loudest scream I could muster,

"thank you" the woman smiles. Shut up, just shut up I thought to myself, narrowing my eyes.

She walks closer to me and jabs me in the neck with a needle, taking me by surprise and causing me to stumble backwards.

My slurred movements against the woman's grip slowed and blurred until I couldn't see and I began to feel drowsy, watching as the world around me became blurry.


I woke to the insides of my eyelids. They felt so heavy, it was hard to open them so I stopped trying.

I could only hear silence, nothing was there. I tried to work out my surroundings without trying to open my eyes because that wasn't happening when I was currently unharmed while my eyes were closed.

I remembered up to where the woman jabbed me with a needle. It had to have been anaesthetic. I moved my arm to my neck slowly,

"no, don't move, it'll only be worse if you do" a boys voice explains.

I gasp and stop what I was doing, there was someone in here. was he going to hurt me? or worse, kill me? I processed questions and endless possibilities that could happen to me in the next few minutes.

"Who are you?" I asked in a stupidly shaky voice, the sound of m voice was small and hard to hear myself.

"My names Michael" he says softly, he continued, "can you open your eyes?"

"No, they're too heavy" I reply in a whisper.

"That's ok, just try to open them and keep them open"

"Not until you tell me where I am" I demand, I wasn't about to do anything some strange boy was telling me to do.

The boy sighs before answering "you're in WICKED"

I was confused, what did he mean 'in WICKED'


"I can't tell you, please jut open your eyes" he pleads.

This time it was my turn to sigh. I really didn't want to open my eyes, but I couldn't keep them closed forever.

I was probably more surprised I wasn't dead. I reluctantly opened my eyes, it took a couple of minutes but I did it and it was hard not to close them again.

The boy in front of me was almost exactly like me, except for the shorter orange hair and the fact he was a boy.

"Why aren't I allowed to move?" I asked

"Because, its easier just to let the anaesthetic fade before moving, you get dizzy otherwise" he explains. I nod my head, his logic made sense at least.

"And besides" he continued, "all the questions you've asked it should have worn off by now" he smiles.

I sit upright and hold my hand to my head,

"thanks?" I tell him.

I had a better look at the room around me, white and grey. did these people have a fascination with the colour white?

The door opened revealing an older version of the girl in my memories,  "Teresa" I whisper subconsciously.

Michael shifts uncomfortably between both of his legs, Teresa looks puzzled as she looks from me to Michael and back to me,

"how do you know my name?" she asks,

"I- my memories you're in them" I tell her.

"But I thought we-" she began before Michael interrupted.

"Are you here for a specific reason Teresa?"

She held up a small pile of clothes and shoes,

"I have orders to help her dress, don't worry your sister will be in good hands with me" Teresa smiles.

"Sister!" I raise my voice

"Nice going"Michael says, shaking his head. he flashes me a smile and leaves the room.

Was that my brother?!

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن