Chapter 15

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Chuck arrives in this chapter! Yay! Haha spoiler,  its right here enjoy enjoy lovelies ❤️


Newt and Gally opened the doors that lead into the metal cage we called the box.

Apart from supplies a small chubby boy sat shaking in a corner. Gally jumped in and tried greeting the boy, A slight odour was beginning to waft from the box. "it stinks like klunk down here" Gally complained as Newt and Alby threw the looped rope in for the boy.

I'm sure like everyone before him, he fell on the grass with a thud. the poor boy must have klunked himself, the odour just seemed to follow him around.

"Newt, find the boy some clothes. Rose help Gally get the shuck supplies out" I nod my head and hear his voice as I jump in the box making it shake.

"what's ya' name greenie?" I heard Alby ask the boy.

"C-chuck" the boy stuttered "w-w-where am I?" he asked.

"welcome to the glade" was all Alby said.

He must have been walking away with the greenie as their voices became softer.

"Are you gonna help or what, shank" Gally says.

"hmm, oh yeah sorry" I say while turning back around.

I help Gally pass up boxes with the word WICKED on it, My fingers brushing against a box with my name spray painted in scratchy writing. Newt ticks them off on a piece of paper. I looked down into the darkness of the small shaft.

"has anyone ever tried-" before I could finish Gally answered,

"gone back down with the box? tried it, we lost a boy" Gally said sadly.

"oh.." I trail off.

Newt didn't seem to speak much. knowing the possibility of Newt liking me made me a little nervous but my nervous was more awkward towards him. I dramatically exhaled which caught Gally's attention, "ya' right there greenie?"

"I'm not a greenie anymore ya' shank" I laugh

"Well you do look a little green" he jokes. I chuckle a little.

"Must be the green light you slinthead" I tease

"Maybe..." he smirks.

I groan and go back to passing up the boxes and before I knew it they were gone,

"what happened to the boy?" I found myself asking.

"he got cut clean in half" this tone was different more, distant.

"that's awful" I whispered,

"that's the creators for you, I'm surprised you haven't seen his grave yet since you're always in the deadheads" he tries changing the subject slowly.

"you don't have to talk about it" I assure him,

"no, he deserves to be remembered" Gally points out. I nod my head, having nothing else to say.

People were rushing around and fixing up a large pile of sticks that sat in a circle of dirt. Frypan was having the food delivered, Alby was ordering around the boys, logs were being moved, everything looked busy.

"what's going on?" I asked

"Monthly bonfire, nice way to relax and introduce the greenie I guess" he shrugs,

"and before you ask, we decided not to throw one for you as it was too much of a risk and we couldn't understand why the shuck there was a girl"'

"Fair enough" I shrug.

"I have to prepare my secret recipe" he smiles.


Gally saunters towards frypan and his beloved kitchen. Newt was still accounting for the supplies, I begin walking calmly towards him, the grass still damp as I felt it slowly soaking my pants.

"Hey Newt" I greet, stopping at the pile of supplies, he looks up from the paper.

"hey" he greets before walking around the pile of supplies, disappearing from sight.

he returns with the package that had my name on it, his eyes flickered from the box to me with no emotion.

"I think this is yours" he says. I take the box, "thanks, so have we got everything?" I ask,

"Pretty much". I knew I had to ask him if he was alright but I didn't want to force him to tell me, maybe it wasn't true after all, maybe he didn't like me. "Um, I- I'll just go" I jab a finger over my shoulder and spin on my heels. I trudge through the wet grass and towards the homestead. Jeff was there this time maybe Clint was helping, us medjacks don't get a lot to do just waiting for someone injured to waltz through the door. We may as well walk around for the whole day and no one would even know we were gone. "It's funny how once a girl turns up,more people turn up with minor injures" Jeff laughs

"What?" I ask a little confused as to what he meant

"I said-"

"Yeah, I heard what you said but what do you mean injures increased. People couldn't be hurting themselves just to see me, they all act so natural towards me as if I was just another boy here"

Jeff replied with a shrug "beats me, maybe they act that way around you because, I don't know we had a shuck gathering while you were out cold with that buggin' wound and he told everyone that from now on no one is allowed to hurt, harass-" I zoned out when he started counting all the words off the top of his head that Alby used to reinforce the rule no one was allowed to touch me. Did the same rules apply to Newt?

I thought about an answer to my question but if it was true than why was I so close to him in the deadheads? There was just no logical answer to any of this. Gally seemed fine, so did Minho and Alby but Newt? Not so much.

I snapped out of my thinking state to see Jeff staring at me. "What?" I asked,

Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed, "I said you can go, I've got everything covered here"

"Oh, um ok well yell if you need me" I get up and leave but not before hearing Jeff comment on my accent

"You sound so much like Newt with that accent of yours" Jeff chuckles. "Well what do you expect? We probably come from the same place" I smile and roll my eyes before walking out of the homestead. I find Gally still in the kitchen making whatever the hell he was making. It looked like a murky lake just hatched. I scrunch my nose up at it.

Gally looked up " whatcha Makin'?" I ask, putting my hands behind my back and rocking on my heels.

"my special drink, but I'm done". I nod my head and jump up on he bench,

"I think I might like Newt" I blurt out.

He turns turns around to face me with an unreadable facial expression showing,

"Well, I think I do but I don't think he feels the same way...." I look down at my shoes like I had when I first arrived in the glade.

They were suddenly the most interesting things in the world.

"Well, he does seem off but I'm pretty sure he likes you" he confirms.


"He sneaks glances at you when you aren't looking"

"Very convincing" I say sarcastically,

Something flashed in his eyes, it looked a lot like disappointment but I wasn't sure.

"I'm going to go help out with the bonfire" Gally leaves and soon, so do I.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora