Chapter 32

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I don't know why the chapters are getting shorter but the end is near my friends

Enjoy lovelies ❤️
The bus driver had sped through the barren land at ridiculous speeds which I don't think he himself even realised.

A while had seemed to pass, seeing many buildings, all almost just a heap of concrete and glass, I had been wondering what happened until Thomas had asked a woman about what had happened.

I listened quietly, my  head against Newt's shoulder, I didn't care about anything else but Chuck and Gally at the moment, My sadness had exhausted me. I didn't know if I had imagined him, he had been a mix of transparent and solid, he smiled like he wasn't dead.

Apang of sadness hit me when I thought about death. I knew Chuck shouldn't have died, he should've been here on this bus with me.

The more I thought about Chuck, the more I forgot about him, and the more I forgot about him, the more he appeared as I closed my eyes. Newt hadn't spoken a word to me since Chuck had..... Had...... You know.

I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me. I took in his features, his hair.

I moved my hand and held his, he looks at me as I lay my head back on his shoulder, he kisses my temple and whispers, "I'm sorry",

"You have nothing to be sorry for" I whisper back.

I had woken up as the driver slowed down, we were in a car park. It was weird seeing something like a parking lot, what can I say, it's the simple things.

We were ushered out of the bus and up a flight of stairs, all twenty one of us. The number could have been more but sadly Chuck...... I had to stop. I had to stop thinking about him, but it was so hard to when his passing was so fresh in my mind.

We were put into a huge dormitory, bunks lined one of the walls, across from the bunks were dressers and tables. The room was more colourful than anything I had seen in the glade apart from the sunsets and flowers.

We were then assigned beds, got given clothes and bathroom supplies and got to eat pizza, legit the real thing, in all its greasy, cheesy glory. My stomach had growled at the sight of it, we remained quiet as we ate, only Thomas and I were the ones without the smiles on our faces, it just felt wrong to be happy when the happiest person I knew was gone, ripped away from me by the simplest of things. I could feel my heart pound at the thought of Chuck, every thought about him brought on tears.

Every time I close my eyes, it will be haunted by his face, the pain in his eyes as he slipped away. Newt held my hand and squeezed gently.

After we finished we were told to go to bed which no one argued with, I mean sleeping in a proper bed that isn't so hard and scratchy seemed appealing to me. They took Teresa to a separate room which I don't think Thomas was very happy about.

One thing in this whole building seemed familiar to me, I just couldn't point out from where. It was the people, they seemed so familiar it was almost scary. Maybe I wasjust imagining things, a goodnight rest will do me good. I think.

The Glader Girl // Newt// TMR fanficWhere stories live. Discover now