Chapter 1.

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Ugh finally homee..

I just came home from school, and I couldn't wait to just jump on my bed in my living room, and to watch my favourite show of all the times- the Simpsons!! Oh friendly reminder, I'll kill you if you say that the Simpsons suck.

My mom is probably at her work, she works as a nurse in a hospital, so she won't be home by 9pm.

I turned on the tv as I lazily jumped on the bed, throwing my backpack on the floor. Well, it has books in it, and books only deserve either floor or a trash can, nothing else.

The Simpsons haven't started yet, so I decided to go in the kitchen, make some tea, and take something to eat, I'm hungry as hell. I have like 10 minutes until my favourite show starts, which is just enough to make sandwich, oh yes, a fact about me- I love the Simpsons and food, so yeah, blame it on me when your fridge is empty.

I got up from the bed, feeling a small headache. Man the school is about to kill me. All the drama there, all the drama here at home, it can be difficult.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I spotted a paper, letter on the table.

"Serena, don't wait up for me, I have meeting tonight, just something about work, nothing important, I'll be home late. Love, mom"

I took that letter and just throwed it in the trash can. I kind of got used to not seeing her for a whole day, she works a lot. And lately, she was spending a lots of time with her lawyers, getting divorced from dad. Yes my mom my dad got divorced. Apparently they didn't get along so well anymore, and they decided that they shouldn't live together anymore, but I think that that is only bullshit, I mean, my dad got married only one month later, with that woman, and she is just using him, and yes, he'll realise that, but it will be late.

Just as I was making my sandwich, my phone started ringing

"And IIIIIIIIIIII will always love youuuuuuuuuu"

Ughhhhh I have to remove that song from my phone it became so boring. I set that song as my ringing tone just to annoy my friends, but it started annoying me

I looked at my phone and a big 'AMANDA' appeared on the screen

"Waddup biach" I answered playfully, we always pick up our phones like this

"Hey bitch, where are you?" She said, and because of the sounds from the back, you could tell that she was on a street, I even heard a car

"Just got home, about to watch the Simpsons, where are you?" I asked and I heard her laugh

"I'm in your house in 30 seconds, make me a sandwich too, I'm hungry as hell" she said and when I looked through my window, I saw her walking to my house. She was walking like she was drunk, from left to right

"Hahaha okay better hurry up it's about to start" I said, looking at the time on my clock, the Simpsons should start any minute

"Oh shit I'm coming!" She said and started running. I hung up, and I had to laugh at how ridicously funny she runs, she never knew how to run properly, she and sports- two different worlds


I heard the doors, Amanda' here

"You idiot you are going to crush my house" I was yelling from the kitchen, and she was laughing so loud

"Yeah sorry about that" she said as she came in the kitchen

"Okay I'll finish these sandwiches and I'll pop some pop corns, you go there and call me when the Simpsons start" I said to Amanda, let's make her useful

"Okay but hurry up I'm hungry" she said as she left.

Just gotta love Amanda. She is my best friend, we met in kindergarden, when we were like 5, and ever since then, we are unstoppable. We go everywhere together, we do everything together, we do random crap together, we get in trouble together, everything. She is my brother from another mother

"Hurry up it's about to staaaart" I heard her yell, well I better get going.

The Simpsons started, and me and Amanda were watching them, she loves them too.

When it finished, Amanda went home, she said that she has to study, but yeah she will study, for sure. I decided that I'll go in my room, to study a little bit for tomorrow, I have test from history, and when I finish studying, I'll just do what I love, and that is my music. I'll work on my music.

Tomorrow I'll be home earlier than usual, one of the teachers is sick, so me and mom are going to the beach, she isn't working tomorrow. Oh did I mention that I live in Miami, the coolest place on this Earth? Well yeah, I live there. I will live here forever, I'm never going to move out of here. My dad lives here too, with his new family, but he lives in other side of the city, so I don't get to see him very much, and honestly, it works just fine for me, his new wife is a fucking bitch, she is only using him. She is 8 years younger than him, and he thinks that she loves him. She only using his money, that is all. And she turned him against me, she made him love her kids more than his own kid. She is a definition of bitch.

But I don't really want to talk about her now, I'll just go now, and pack my stuff for the beach tomorrow, I'm so excited. It's going to be fun, I can't wait.


Hey guys, this is my new story, in case if anyone is wondering why I deleted my previous one, well the reason is simple, I kind of lost the inspiration for it, and I had this idea, so I just had to write it. I hope that more of you will read this, for now probably no one reads it *crying* haha I'm kidding, but really hope that someone will read it soon. I promisse, this will be interesting.

Love xx

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