Chapter 6.

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I almost ran up the stairs just to get there before him. I need to know what the hell he wants.

"Martijn" I said as he tried to walk past me, pretending that he didn't see me, but I know he did.

"Oh Serena, I didn't see you" he was laughing when he turned around

"Yeah right. Can you explain me, what the hell was that?!" I whisper-shouted to him, hoping that no one will hear us. I would yell at him but they would hear us

"What?" He asked, oh so we have an actor in our family

"We're supposed to be brother and sister, and as long as I remember, brothers don't do that to their sisters!" I said, now a little bit too loud for a whisper. There's no point in talking like this, in the hall, damn I'll probably regret this but we need to get in my room

"Come in here" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him with me in my room

I closed the doors behind me, and now we can talk.

"Martijn I understand that you are man, and that girls attract you, but hell you need to keep your hormons down, I'm not a girl to you, I'm a sister" I said, he was standing in front of me, I was right next to the doors

"No you aren't, you are just sexy that is all" he said and I had to hit him with something, the first thing that I took was just a random notebook

"You idiot, imagine if your dad heard you!" I said, still trying to hit him, but he is good at defending himself

"Oh dear Serena.. you haven't heard.. Of course.. You innocent child. Well, let me inform you, I don't give a fuck for what my father says, thinks or does" I stopped punching him

"And you think that you will achieve something with behavior like that?" Honestly, he is pissing me off right now

"In two months, I'll tell you when I achieve it" he was smirking again

"Achieve what?" I asked, he wasn't really that clear

"You'll see"

"And stop smirking, it pisses me off!" I had to say this, it really pisses me off

"I'm not smirking" yes sure, and I'm Barack Obama

"Okay now go, I need to change my clothings" I said, remembering that Laura is probably waiting for me

"Okay okay" he said and finally left my room.

God this boy is annoying. He needs to change his behavior or I won't be able to live in this house. Sorry mom, but if I'm going to look on every corner if he is watching me, well fuck life like that, I don't need that. But we'll see, maybe he changes.

I choose to wear what I love the most, that is a white top, and floral skirt. I look cute in that, what can I say

Laura was waiting for me downstairs, fully dressed and ready. She was beautiful, really. They both are beautiful and good looking, it's more a fact, because Gerard is a pretty man too. I don't know their mother, but she has to be pretty too, or else they wouldn't end up this beautiful. Laura is beautiful, Martijn is just pretty. Yes, he is only pretty.

"Looking good Laura" I said while I was walking to her, she was looking at her phone and then up to me

"Heey, you don't look bad yourself" she putted her hand around my waist while I putted my hand on her shoulders

"We're leaving, byee" she shouted

"Got enough money?" Gerard was yelling from the kitchen, god all these people seem to do is to yell

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