Chapter 3.

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"How do I look?" My mom was standing in front of me, she lifted her hands on her sides, waiting for me to say something

"Eehm.. well..." I made that weird face when you don't like something, and I shook my head, of course I was joking, just to tease her

"Oh no, I look bad?" She started panicking

"Hahaha nooo mom, you look amazing, I'm just joking, you look really good, don't worry I'm sure that Gerard will like it" I slapped her butt a little bit, and she hugged me

"Thank you Serena" she was smiling

"But how do I look?" I asked, of course I was joking again, I didn't really care how I looked

"Well, I have to say that it's not fair because you look better than me" she said and we both were laughing

"Haha yeah sure" I said


"Woop, he's here!" She said and she headed towards the doors

"We're ready, right?" She looked at me before she opened the door

"Yes we are mom, open it" I said, I was standing in back, next to the stairs

My mom opened the door, and she was greeted by a huge bouquet of very lovely flowers.

"Gerard, welcome" she said as he moved the flowers from his face. I was able to see this man now. Well, he looked nice, he wasn't ugly

"Hello Adriana" they shook hands

"Come in" she said

"Here, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman" he said as he handed her those flowers. Hmmm, pulling a Don Juan here?

"Aw thank you" she took the flowers in her hands, and then she looked at me

"This is my daughter, Serena" she said, and he looked at me. Now noticed that he had one more rose in his hands

"Lovely Serena, she is even more beautiful than I thought. Hello Serena, my name is Gerard, and this rose is for you" we shook our hands

"Nice to meet you sir" I said as I took the rose

"No, please, call me Gerard, I feel old when someone calls me sir" he said and I laughed

"Okay then Gerard, nice to meet you" I smiled

"Nice to meet you too. You look just like your mother" he said

"Thank you" I said. Well, he was the first person to say that I look like my mother, because I actually look like my dad, but he doesn't know my dad probably so I look like my mother to him

"Okay Gerard, let's go there" my mom pointed in the direction of our dining room

We sat down, and Gerard started introducing himself to me. He told me that he lives in Amstelveen, a city in the Netherlands, he said that it is 5 minutes from Amsterdam. He also told me that he will be here for short time, one more month probably.

My mom served us the dinner, and we started eating. My first impression about this man is pretty good, I like him, he is a nice person, and he is one of those people with who you never feel awkward, there is always something to talk about, and he makes me laugh. Green light for now

"So Serena, are you aware of the fact that me and your mother used to date?" He asked me. Well, it's becoming awkward now

"Um yeah, actually, I heard of it today, I never knew anything about it before" I said, after I swallowed the food that was in my my mouth, I have to be really carefull with my behavior, I don't want him to think that I'm rude.

Troubled (Martin Garrix)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin