Chapter 14.

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Martijn and I turned back home, and I just couldn't stop thinking about that attack of kisses today. Who would know that I would get more kisses in one day than in the whole life.

The walk back home was silent, I was just thinking about those kisses, while he was probably thinking about god knows what.

I expected him to hold my hand while we were going back home, but he didn't. I know that I said 'when you are sure that no one is watching', but in moments like that, I regret saying it.


"Heyyy Julian" I almost scream when I spot Julian talking to Martijn in the hall of our house. I was coming from upstairs

"Heey kiddo" he says and I laugh. He is one year older than me, and he thinks that he can call me kiddo. Haha

"Don't call me like that dork" I jump to hug him, and he kisses me on the cheek. I know Julian for probably two or three weeks, but I already see him as a.. well a good friend. I already have 4 amazing friends here, and I'm here for only about 20 days. People in Amstelveen are so friendly

"Get a room already" Martijn says, trying to make this sound like a joke, but I think that it wasn't. It almost, but almost sounded like he was jealous

"Jealous enough?" Julian jokes

"Let's go upstairs" Martijn says and we both listen to him. Julian goes first, and I follow him

"You look sexy in that shorts" Martijn whispers to me, and slaps my butt a little bit. Julian couldn't hear or see this, he was already upstairs

"Martijn!" I whisper-shout to him, while he just smirks at me. D-bag


"Aaaah you guysss it's not interesting at all! This game is stupid, let's do something else" I say as I jump from my seat and just throw my joystick to the bed next to me, and almost missing it because it was dark in this room. I think that I lost this damn game for probably 15th time tonight

"Hahaha c'mon Serena, it's a fun game, play it with uss" Julian says and they both laugh at me

"No Julian let's do something else" I say but they just keep laughing

"We'll let you win this time" Julian says, and this makes me not want to play it at all anymore. Let me win? What, I can't do it by myself?

"Serena c'mon play with us" Martijn says, and something very evil comes on my mind

"Okay, but only one more, okay? And no need for letting me win, because I'm going to beat the two of you, that's right" I say and they finally stop laughing, and I take my joystick from the bed. Martijn was sitting next to me, and I made sure to sit closer to him this time, and somehow to find a good position so Julian can't see me or what I'm doing.

The room was dark, Martijn turned the lights off, I guess he likes to keep his room dark, which works just fine for my evil plan. God forgive me for what I'm about to do, but he comited a crime and he needs a punishment for it. He made me play this game that I suck at, and he needs a big punishment. I know the best one

Julian started the game again, and we start playing. It seems like they are so in to this game this time. Well, not for long Martijn.

My right hand, that I didn't really need for the game, slowly starts going towards his leg. When I finally touch his leg, I'm quite suprised at his reaction, because he didn't even move, altho I think that I spotted a small smile on his face.

Slowly, I start caressing his leg, moving it from his leg to his abs. I couldn't really feel his abs, but damn this boy has some serious abs, I've seen them.

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