Chapter 4.

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"Hello? We're home" Gerard said. I didn't mention, Gerard told me that he has a daughter, she's two years younger than me, and her name is Laura

"Dear, put your stuff there" Gerard said to me. He calls me honey, dear, sweetie, and I think that it is cute

"Oh okay" I said

We entered this big house, it had this big hall, there were stairs that were leading upstairs. On my left there was this huge room, the living room I guess, while on my right there were some doors, probably kitchen or something.

"Dad?" We heard a female voice coming from upstairs

"Laura!" Gerard said, and soon a beautiful girl appeared on the top of the stairs

"Daddy!" She started running downstairs

"Oh honey! I missed you!" They hugged

"Oh sorry. You must be Serena?" She said as the finnished hugging

"Yes, and you are Laura?" I smiled, and she came up to me, and on my surprise, she hugged me

"Hey there sister" she joked and I laughed

"Nice to meet you Laura" this girl is lovely, I already like her

"Laura? Hello darling, I'm Adriana" my mom was nervous as hell, and when she is nervous she looks so funny, everyone notices it

"Hello Adriana, nice to meet you finally" they hugged

"Well, come in" Gerard said

"Are you hungry? Grandma made us something to eat, but she just left, she said that she is terribly sorry that she couldn't stay to meet Adriana and Serena" Laura said

"Oh well, it doesn't matter, we have all the time of this world. But I do feel hungry, how about you ladies?" Gerard said

"I do feel a little bit hungry" I said. Well hell I am hungry, don't blame me

"Great, let's go" Laura said

We went in the dining room, and it was quite lovely. The meal was perfect, I tried this new food, probably traditional Dutch food, and it was so good.

Right now, Laura is taking me through the house, to see everything.

"Okay, this is my room, if you ever need something, feel free to come. This one is your room, and that one is kind of forbidden" she pointed to the doors that were on the left side of the hall. Okay, so first one is her room, second one is my room, and third one is forbidden?

"What's up with last room?" I asked curiously

"The devil lives in it" she said with a serious face, and first I was shocked, but then she laughed so I figured out that she was joking

"Devil?" I said, I was laughing too, well she has contagious laugh

"Haha not really, my brother is there" hold on, hold on. Brother?!

"Brother?" I asked, what the fuck is she talking about?

"Dad didn't mention him?" She asked, and she looked surprised

"Well no, he only mentioned you, altho he did mention something about another person in your house but I never understood what he was saying" I said, trying to remember if he ever mentioned that he had a son

"Well yes, I have a brother, Martijn." She said, and I was even more shocked "He is your age actually"

"Well, where is he?" I asked

"He's not home, he is out with his friends, you'll meet him later. I understand why dad didn't mention him, they weren't on good terms when dad left, ever since mom left us, Martijn's been a problematic kid" she said, and just as we were about to open the doors of my room, we heard someone running upstairs

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