Chapter 12.

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Ooh finally. The big day is here.

Wedding day. My mom is probably nervous as hell.

The hairstylers and makeup artists or whatever have arrived, and they all are in her room. Gerard isn't home, he has left already, he needs to get dressed and all, but he can't see the bride, it's bas luck if the groom sees the bride before the wedding. I think that he's at his friends home.

At this moment, me and Laura are in my room, trying to do our makeup. Laura is quite professional at this, she's really amazing, natural talent, she showed me pics of her friends that she did the makeup to them, and it's amaaaazing, so I decided to trust her with my makeup.

"Aaand.... There it is" she says as she moves from me, handing me the small mirror

"Wow Laura, this is amazing! Thank you so much! I can't believe that this girl in the mirror is actually me haha" I say as I see a really beautiful face in the mirror. Hah can't believe she managed to turn me into a beauty. She didn't put that much makeup, I don't like when I have that much makeup, but still, I looked better

"Shut upp, you are beautiful even without makeup" she says and I smile at how kind she is "Okay now the dress. Come, I'll help you so you don't ruin your dress and your makeup" yeah about that, we didn't want to mess up something while she does the makeup to me, so we decided that I should dress up after the makeup sesion

After almost 10 minutes, we made it, I was dressed up and ready to go.

Laura was ready too, she will be going with her friends, while I'm going with Julian, he asked me yesterday if I would like to be his date for the wedding haha. I accepted it, since Martijn decided to clearly ditch me, after he said that he'll spend the wedding with me. I'm slightly mad at him, but I don't want anything to ruin the wedding for me

Before we go there, I remembered that I should check up on Martijn.

"Hey Laura can you wait 10 minutes, I have to do something" I say

"Sure, I need to call my friends, but I'll be here waiting for you" she says and I close the doors behind me

I go straight to his door, and I can see that it's slightly opened. I knock, and his voice fills up the air

"Whaat?" that is so Martijn

"Can I come in?" I say

"Hold up.. oh it's opened, come in" he says and I open the door fully

When I come in, I'm greeted by a.. pleasant view.

Martijn is standing next to his bed, trying to button his pants, while holding his shirt with his jaw and chest. Yes, shirtless

"Haha need help?" I say

"No I'm.." he starts but when his eyes catch me, he lifts up his head, causing his shirt to fall on the floor

"Yeah about this.. Do I look good?" I ask, hoping that I'll get the right answer, I mean, he's a man, he'll tell me the truth. Every girl will be like 'oh my, you look good' while they are thinking god knows what

"Yes, you look good" he says, simply. Well, I don't know what this means, but I guess that I do look good. I mean, this dress was hell expensive, I better look good in it or I will burn it haha

"Thanks" I say with small smile

"I came to check if you need help" I say

"Well, I could use help with this, can you button this shit? I think that it's stuck" he says and I have to stop for a second to realise what he's asking from me. He wants me close to.. that thing?

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