Chapter 5.

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I woke up maybe 10 minutes ago. I jumped when I saw My first thought was that someone abducted me, but after 2 seconds I remembered, Amstelveen. It's probably going to take a while for me to get used to waking up in new environment.

Normaly I would lie down in my bed for another extra hour, because I always wake up early, but today I had to get up, I mean, it would be stupid if I was lying here while they all are up.

I decided that I'll take shower first. Yeah, forgot to mention, we have to share the bathroom, mom and Gerard have their own, but we, kids, have to share.

I grabbed the door lock, and it was locked. Someone was there, so I decided to wait a little bit. I could hear the water, but soon I couldn't hear anything.

I waited 5 minutes more, before I heard the doors unlocking.

A cloud of steam comes out, and then appears Martijn. God kill me now. He had only towel around his torso, and he didn't have shirt, he was shirtless. I didn't notice that I was staring at him until he spoke

"Admiring to my sexy abs?" He touched his abs with his hands, looking down to them

"Yeah right, I have to shower, move" I said as I walked past him. I felt my shoulder touch his and it felt weird

When I got in the bathroom, I started coughing immediately, god it was so stuffy and it was like I just walked in the oven, it was so hoot

I opened the window, and when there was air again, I started showering.

The water was hot and nice for only one second, that bastard Martijn used up all the hot water!!! I'm going to kill him. I'm supposed to be the one who leaves only cold water, not him! Oh he is so dead

I finished showering, with freezing water, and went straight downstairs.

Mom and Gerard were in the kitchen, and I think that it is the perfect time to ask some questions

"Morniing" I said, in very cheerful tone

"Good morning" they both said. Mom was making us breakfast, and Gerard was reading the newspaper

"How did you sleep Serena?" Gerard asked, while moving his huuge newspaper from his face so he could see me

"Good, thank you for asking." I said and the silence went on, so it's time to ask

"Hey Gerard, can I ask you something?" I said, he was looking at his newspaper again

"Yes?" He didn't look up

"Um, how come I didn't know that you had son?" When I said this, he looked up, but not at me, in random direction. I couldn't really read his face, but it was like 'oh shit she caught me'

"Uh so you met Martijn?" He asked, a little bit unsecured

"Yes, I thought that you had only one child, Laura" I said. He was now looking at me, while my mom was just cooking, like this was just something random

"I did mention him once, but I thought that it would be better if we talk less about him. You probably won't be seeing him at home anyway, he's not that friendly.. Sorry that I didn't mention him" he said

"Okay, but I think that it would've been better if you told me about him. I mean, he's a nice guy" I said and Gerard looked at me, I think that he was surprised

He didn't say anything, he just went back to reading his newspaper. Okay what the heck?

Laura came too, and my mom served us the breakfast. Martijn was nowhere to be seen

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