Chapter 10.

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"Hey mom" I say when my mom picks up the call

"Hey honey, are you enjoying your trip with Martijn?" She asks in a cheeful voice. Wait, she knew?

"Hold on, you knew?" I ask. So she knows that I was on that small tour with him?

"Ouch!" I say, a little bit too loud while the nurse is cleaning up my bruise on my leg

"Serena what is going on?" She asks a little bit concerned. She probably heard my loud ouch

"Ehmm.. Mom there is something that I need to tell you, but don't freak out everything is all right" I say and of course, she starts to panic

"Serena what is going on? Where are you? Are you fine?" She asks with a very hursh tone. Oh crap

"Mom, I fell off the bike while I was riding home, a rabbit was crossing the road and I almost hit him, and I didn't want to hit him so I had to turn on the other side, and I fell of the road. I hurted my arm" I say a little bit to fast, trying to remember all the important details. That bunny was so cute I couldn't just hit him

"Oh my god where are you?" She asks, or even better, shouts at me. Even the nurse heard it

"I'm at hospital, Martijn brought me here, he's with me" I say. Martijn is standing in front of the bed that I was sitting on while the nurse was doing.. whatever she was doing. I'm not really so interested in looking at the blood

"I'm coming right now!" She says and she hangs up

"Okay that was totally expected reaction" I laugh

"Serena I'm sorry for this" Martijn says

"No Martijn it's not your fault stop saying sorry, it's no one's fault, I guess it was meant to happen that's all" I say with an encouraging smile, and then the nurse interrupts our small talk

"Miss Anderson, the doctor will be here in any second to look at your arm, wait here" she says as she picks up something from the floor and leaves the room

"Strange, I heard that nurses are all old grumpy evil creatures" I say and Martijn laughs

"This one is special I guess" well yes she is, she really is nice, and careful

"This sucks, I'm not going to look pretty in my dresses" I say. Fuck this arm thing, I'm going to look like an idiot with splint on my arm. My arm, luckily isn't broken, it only cracked a little bit, so I'm getting a splint. Hmmm, splints are easy to take off, right?

"Well, you'll have to show me later how you look in dress with a splint, and then I will tell you if it's pretty or not" he says with a.. smirk?

"Yeah yeah, just dream" I stick my tongue out

"Hey Serena, I'm really sorry. I'm the reason why you are here now, I really shouldn't..."

"Anderson? Serena Anderson?!" I hear my mom shout in the hall. Damn this woman is fast. She came here under 5 minutes

"Oh boy" I say

"Mrs calm down, she is right there she is fi.." someone is speaking but of course my mom won't let them speak. She runs directly in this room where I am

"Oh Serena! What happened? Are you okay? Does it hurt? What happened with your arm and oh my god what happened with your leg?!" I really have to laugh. First of all, her hair is so messy, like she doesn't know what 'the hair brush' is, second of all, she is wearing two different shoes, and third, she is holding a spoon in her hand.

Hahaha I probably interrupted her while she was cooking. Oh my god

"Mom what the hell, calm down, I'm completely fine" I say. Martijn looks like he is about to explode in laughter, it was so clear that he was holding his laughter.

Troubled (Martin Garrix)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora