Chapter 17.

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"Wake up, sleepy teddy bear" I hear someone saying as I try to open my eyes, but fail. The daylight hits my well tired eyes, and I can't find the strenght to open them

"Wake up!"

I open my eyes fully now, still fighting with the light. I feel like a vampire now. The room was so bright

As I open my eyes, I'm greeted by a lovely view. My mom was standing in front of me, holding a glass of water. Thank god she brought that, from all the drama I forgot how thirsty I am

"Morning beauty" she says

"Morning mom" I lift myself in sitting position

"I have neews" she says with her big creepy smile "I just heard from grandma. Guess what, she said yes!" my mom screamed almost

"Really? Well I told you that she would say yes!" I say, well this was a fact "Mom, I was thinking to stay at our home. Grandma's home is fine, but I miss ours" I say and immediately spot that 'eeh yes no yes no' face.

"Okay honey. You can stay there. But I guess that you are aware of the fact that you have only 3 weeks there?" she lifts her eyebrows. I know mom, don't remind me

"Yes I know that" I say and finally take that water from her.

"Okay honey. So, Martijn is going with you?" she asks, and I almost choke on my water. I start coughing, but very soon it goes away. I put the glass on the night stand

"Oh this water! Um yeah, he is going with me. "He was like 'I'm doing this for you'" I do this in low voice, trying to sound like Martijn "but I know that he does it for himself hah, he told me that he has never been to Miami and that he is excited to go to our beach parties" I say

"About those beach parties, they are forbidden!" my mom says and I almost faint. Beach parties forbidden?!

"What?!" I say in big shock. She would always let me go to a beach party, what the heck has changed now?

"Well I'm sorry but you won't be allowed to go to one. Martijn had some issues with alcohol, and Gerard is concerned that going to Miami and attending parties could return him to his old bad habbits" she says

"Ooh.. Okay then" I say. Okay so he had problems with drinking, no big deal. As if she would know if I'm home or at a party. And Martijn won't drink

"By the way, you're leaving tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? Aren't we supposed to leave on Saturday?" I say

"I don't know, grandma has something to do in Miami, so you're leaving tomorrow. Hope that works fine for you?"

"Works fine for me?! Works GREEEAT for me!!" I jump from my bed, and my mom laughs loudly

"Oh crap, I have to pack! And does Martijn know?" I ask

"He doesn't know, can you tell him?" she asks as she gets up, taking the water glass from my night stand

"I can, of course" I smile to her "thank you for everything mom. This really means the world to me. I was a real pain in ass to you yesterday, and here you are, letting me go tomorrow. I'm really sorry for behaving like that. I never meant to say what I said, I hope that you know that" I say

"Of course I know honey. I know how are you feeling because of your dad. Dragging you all the way here, taking you away from everything was probably the most difficult thing to do for you, and then on top of all of that to forbid you to go back there, well that's not so nice from me" she takes my hand in her, and carefully holds it

"It's nothing that I can't handle, but I do have to work on my behavior when I'm pissed off, I guess I got that one from dad too" I smile and my mom laughs

Troubled (Martin Garrix)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz