Chapter 2.

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"Have you packed all of your stuff?" My mom asked me, she was standing on the bottom of the stairs, fully dressed for the beach. She even had sunglasses on, she likes to keep it in style

"Yes mom I did it last night" I said while going down stairs, I was wearing denim shorts and white shirt, and under that I had white bikini.

"Okay fine let's go" she said as she headed towards the doors.

I got from school half an hour ago. Me and my mom had lunch here, and we are now going to the beach, we are walking, because the beach is like 10 minutes from my house.

"How's been your day in school?" She asked while a car just passed by us, I barely heard her, this car was loud

"School? It was good I think. I had that test from history" I said and she turned to face me, she lowered her sunglasses a little bit and raised her eyebrows

"And?" She asked

"Guess once" I smiled

"F?" She rolled her eyes as she looked up in the sky, lifting her hands in dissapointment "Honey seriously, but you studied!"

"Haha no mom, I got an A!" I said and you could see the relief on her face

"Oh my god I thought that you got an F.. Thank god!" She said as she hugged me, with all those bags. Man we are going to the beach, she seriously needs that much stuff?

"Haha okay you're choking me" I said and she let go of me. Her hugs do choke sometimes

"So, anything else new?" Mom asked. We could see the beach now, and our usual spot was empty, thank god

"No, not really.. What about you? Anything new on work?" I asked altho I knew the answer, as always it's no. She'll just start complaining about how boring it is there, how everyone annoys her, how she can't stand them anymore, how she wants to go on a vacation, how boring that nurse that works with her is, and in the end, she'll just say that it is a good job afterall. Cliché

"Well, nothing much.." nothing much? Only that? Something is wrong. It can't be that she loves her job now. Oh right, she'll start complaining when we get on the beach.

We set our towels on the deck chairs that we rented, and we decided that we'll sunbathe a little bit before we go in the sea.

"Hey honey?" My mom said as she was lying on the deck chair, now we both had our sunglasses on

"Yes mom?"

"Have you spoke to your dad lately?" Why is she asking me this now? The day was just perfect, she had to bring up that topic?

"Last time I spoke with him was for my birthday, two months ago. Why?" I asked, confused

"Just wondering.. Sweetie can I ask you something? She got up in sitting position, she was looking at me.

"Yes?" I took off my sunglasses so I can see her better, in normal color. I was still lying on the deck chair

"Huh, this is a little bit hard for me.. Honey, you are grown up now, enough grown up to understand some things" she crossed her fingers as she was looking at me. I remember these words. I heard the exact same words when they were telling me that they are getting divorced.

"You're getting divorced from me?" I joked, she was laughing, she knew what I was thinking

"No Serena.. You probably don't know anything about this, but I'm going to tell you a interesting story about my life. My love life, precisely. Back in school, before I met your father, I was dating someone. His name was Gerard. We met when I was 15, we used to go in the same school. Every single girl would go mad about him, they would chase him all the way through school. He could have any girl he wanted, but somehow.." she stopped a little bit. You could see a smile on her face

"He chose you?" I said. I was facing her now

"Exactly. He chose me. We started dating, and we dated for 2 years. He was so lovely, I loved to spend time with him. Your grandma said that I became a better person because of him. She liked him very much. We were a good couple actually. But then, after 2 years, he moved from the country. He was originally from The Netherlands, and he lived here for only 3 years. But I have to tell you, those 2 I had the best time. Honestly, I loved him. But he moved, and as they say, far from eyes, far from heart. As the time went on, I forgot about him. The life brought me new problems, and new people. It brought me your dad. I never regret meeting your dad, he was an amazing person. And I'm sure that he still would be an amazing person if that bitch didn't happen in his life, but we are not going to talk about it. Anyway, Gerard was the true love of my life. I would probably end up marrying him if he move out of this country, but that would be the biggest mistake of my life, because you wouldn't be born then, and my life would suck without you" she said. Wow I never knew about this

"Aww mom"

"Yeah. Aaand, one month ago, I met him after almost 19 years." She was smiling, and I think that I know where is this going

"Really?" I asked

"Yes. I met him in my hospital. I didn't even recognize him at first, he recognized me. He still had his charm. Honestly, he still was beautiful. We met a couple of times after that, just for a coffee, and we were talking about the past, how good it was when we dated.." she stopped for a second, probably to read my face

"Go on" I said so she could see that I was listening to her

"And, I invited him for a dinner tonight."

"Tonight? Okay" I said

"Okay?" She looked surprised

"Yeah?" I was confused, why is she so surprised?

"Oh I thought that you would react different" she was laughing

"Haha why, it's not like you are going to marry him" As soon as I said this, she stopped laughing. Her face was weird

"Oh god" she said "You probably didn't understand me, and I wasn't that clear. Serena, I think that I like Gerard" Wait what? I got up in the same sitting position

"What? You like him?" I said a little bit louder than usual. Now I was the one who was surprised

"Yes honey.. That is the reason why I invited him for a dinner tonight. I have been talking with him, it seems that he has the same feelings for me he had 19 years ago, and I think that I feel something for him too. So, he'll come tonight, you'll meet him, and if you don't like him, I will forget about him immediately, I will stop meeting with him, I won't be seeing him anymore." I think that she was panicking a little bit now, and I had to laugh at how funny she was

"Mom, mom, calm down. Listen, thank you for thinking like that, I apreciate that you want to know my opinion, but that is up to you, it is your decision, if you want to marry him, it's fine, as long as you think that he is a good person. I'll respect your decision, whatever you decide." I said and she smiled

"Aww sweetie that is so lovely.. But you need to meet him first. And I don't really think that I'll marry him, don't worry, I just like him that is all, maybe we'll be hanging out sometimes, but I thought that you should know him" she said, and I opened my arms to hug her

"Okay mom, don't worry, you deserve to be happy" we hugged and I got up.

"Where are you going?" She was looking up to me

"What do you think, I'm going in the water" I laughed, well I'm on the beach, where does she think that I could go?

"Wait for me!" She got up aswell, and we were running in the water.

Soon, we were going home, to make something for dinner. Today was fun, I had good time on the beach, me and my mom were swimming, messing around, and even Amanda and her mom came later. We were having fun together, but then we all had to go home. Honestly, I think that I'm happy that my mom finally met someone, because she deserves to be happy. After what happened with my dad, she deserves to be loved and happy. My dad broke her heart I know it, but she deserves to be happy. Of course, I have to meet him, and I have to see if he is a good man for my mom, if I doubt for only one seconds that he isn't good, I won't support their relationship, because she deserves the best. But from how she described him, I already like him. Now I only have to wait for tonight.


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