{1} monster child.

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a wrinkled mouth smiles,
tight and polite,
it tries to mouth the words
that gave such fright.
the little girl
that sat in the middle
she would smile at Teacher
her laugh played like a fiddle
in Teacher's head
she saw the man
in a doctors coat
she saw him take the fiddle
and throw it in a boat
she saw that boat rise
she saw that boat fall
she thought it would be wise
if she hadn't seen it at all
the boat floated near her
it begged for help
it begged her to take the wretched monster out
but some monster's can't be helped
some monster's are in disguise
some monsters think it wise
to trick us into thinking no plan can be devised
but the same monster likes to show us
that every monster has a mouth
so climb out, Child
into the monsters house
let him pull his scary teeth out
and wipe away his scary paint
because that monster, Child
is The Answer
that monster, Child
is your fate.
that monster, Child
took you at just the right time
that monster child
works in a rhyme
that monster child watches her mommy
to make sure she gets to sleep
that monster child
watches her Teacher
to make sure, she doesn't forget to teach
what moving on
and forgiving the past is
that monster child
isn't a monster at all
because her wings are dainty and white
and her halo
glows with all its might
so cry if you must
but don't forget
the little girl that sat at that desk,
she's running in daisies and flying over head,
that monster child,
is happy and free.
that monster child,
is happy and dead.


hey guys so this is something new for me, I wanted to broaden my horizons and @unapologies inspired me with her book 'seams and stitching' - it's honestly amazing and I think you should go check it out, please - so this is dedicated to her.

this poem is about a little girl called Georgina who was in my class in grade 2, she died of a blocked intestine after having an operation to try and remove cancer from her gut, around this time of the year - well it's November 12th here - and I've never really though about it until now, thought about how young and beautiful she was and how much life she had left to live so this is also dedicated to everyone who's lost someone to cancer - it's never easy to lose someone and we gotta have some hope that they are in a better place. Why should death be a sad thing? We are free of all the stress and anxiety everyday life puts on us, one day I'd like to think that I'll be happy when I die because I lived and not sad because I'm dead.

I love everyone (sorry, I'm feeling really emotional rn😂😂)
- nancy

p.s. please don't steal any of my poems, they're crap.

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