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i imagine us all to be like a winding road
or a dog chewing a bone
or an autumn of leaves
being blown off trees
or a hazy maze
or a series of wonderful phases
like a rush of exhilaration
or a downpour of consternation
or a sea of threads
being held by close fists
or a sea of red
being thrown down high cliffs
or a flower of sorts
one that bleeds
a flower of sorts
one that flees
maybe a bird that slices
through the air - smooth and pale
maybe a plastic bag
filled with vices
pulling at every corner
tearing at every opportunistic ail
maybe a root of dirt
or a toe in the earth
maybe a promise meant to broken
maybe a map that hasn't been unfolded.
what if we're a puzzle
with a place for everyone.
maybe this has taken me off topic.
maybe the point is that
we're hopelessly complicated
and beautifully entwined
maybe we're ignorantly emancipated
and selfishly try to prove it wrong
maybe we're a deadly paradox
always trying to stand out from the throng.
maybe we're so idiotically trying to fight with one another
when we could be changing the world
maybe we're so stupid not see
that it's not just about you and me
that it's about Him and his bride
it's about the world, not pride
it's about standing in the garden of Eden
and realizing that no matter how many times it happens
Eve will always have taken the fruit that planned us.


I hope this one made you think

- jo.

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