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please try to understand
i like your sweet words
and oceanic voice.

i like your caring questions
and subtle gestures.
i like you, i really do.

you're sweet and soft,
you have the same basic values
as i.

but please try to understand
that i don't have an urge
to hear your salty, deep voice
all the time
i don't need to see
your understanding figure
every moment
i don't want to spend
sweet moonlit dates
under false stars
or announce
from cracked rooftops
that i want to be yours.

please understand
that i'm perfectly happy
on my own,
please know
that i'm not searching for
what everyone else is,
please comprehend
my values are not duplicated
like everyone else's
and i do like your
sweet words
oceanic voice
caring questions
subtle gestures
and values.
but please understand
that i'm not here
to get something from you
or use you
i'm here to accompany you
i'm here to respect you
i'm here to make you feel loved.
i am not here
to pretend to know you
because i don't
i'm not here to love
someone, i don't know.
understand that i'd much rather be
your friend
than your lover
because i'd prefer to know
my lover's values
and what is expected of me
i would not like to be put on show
for your friends
or acquaintances
i would like to be in love
not put a false statement
on show for everyone else.

so please, fuckboy, understand,
it's not you, it's me,
i don't like screwing around
or adolescent relationships
or parties with your mates.
understand, i like you
but not your intentions.

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