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do i have to love like everyone else?
does rain fall in the same place?
does God reveal himself to the resentful?
does sadness have to be sentimental?
do we all have a reason to be here?
or are we just here to be here?
is it bad to not be in love?
is it bad to not be choked like everyone else?
should i search for a noose?
and tie it in a bow for myself?
why am i not allowed to be happy?
why am i not allowed to be sad?
why am i not allowed to be dark-skinned?
why am i not allowed to have few friends?
am i to have wants and needs?
am i to love or be loved?
are you human too?
that's what it's called, right?
to be this confused.
maybe that's my purpose
maybe i need time

i walk through this green hall,
it's not green like blades of sweet grass
it's green like damp moss
it's green, but barely
it's green, but scary
my mind wraps string
to hooks in my head
it pulls them tighter and tighter
till i wish i was dead.

why, O why this torment?
why must we be confused?
why can't one know themselves?
why must they look at others?

sometimes the strings are slack
and i do not cringe towards
my massive headache
but it's too quiet
and i become afraid
and so i look for questions and rain
i don't look for The Lord or grain
i search for trouble and find it
why do i yearn it so?
why am i so confused?

and now i've asked too many questions
so i sew my mouth shut
while the strings pull tighter and tighter
till i concave and give up

i'm a stupid girl
i don't see answers so i make them up for myself
and that's a mistake because i'm not wise enough to have my own thoughts
i'm not old enough to be my own person
i'm not strong enough to stand up for my beliefs
i'm not enough
but can i add "yet" to that sentence
am i blooming?
am i becoming something to be proud of?

what if i never know?

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