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I'm actually so sick of people judging other people for what they are doing with their lives. it's their fucking life stop trying to control it. If they want to smoke and drink and party and do drugs, let them do it! How the hell is it affecting your life? They know the consequences so stop judging their decisions, they know they have a choice so let them make their bloody choice without you breathing down their necks to always do the right thing! Nobody has ever done everything right and nobody ever will so stop trying to make us perfect because that makes us feel worthless when we don't achieve it because we will never be perfect. We will choose our lives, we will choose to drink, we will choose to follow God, we will choose to love our parents or hate them. We will choose, not let other people make their choices for them so please sit the fuck down and focus on your life not mine.

And the second thing I'm sick of is women not loving their bodies. You can lose as much weight as you want or gain it, it's not going to change how beautiful you all are. You are bloody beautiful and you need see it otherwise no one else will, you need to love it and own it otherwise people will take advantage of it and it's true, we all have insecurities but that just what makes us human. Love yourself, girls. Love every piece of yourself, you're a woman and you are beautiful and never ever believe anyone who tells you differently.

just a side note: I don't support smoking or drinking and I don't encourage people to do it but it's your choice. you can do what you want to do and what makes you feel good and worth something. I love you guys, sorry for the rant

- nancy

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