{32} I personally

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Personally, I've never appreciated the game Hide and Seek. In all honesty, I found it stupid. I could never find a good hiding spot and I saw no purpose in finding a good hiding spot only to be found, I mean, if you don't want to be found in the first place why have someone seek you? Why seek for people who are hiding away from you?

To make matters worse, I almost always got nervous when hiding in my terrible hiding spot that I had to retreat to the lavatory before the seeker even found me and therefore lose the game completely. I never enjoy losing and I am yet to meet a person who does; so to sum the whole thing up, I dislike the game Hide and Seek, not because I'm a lousy hider but because it has no purpose and I can argue this with many childhood games but I just don't have the time. I have a life, unlike most.

I'm not a conceited person. To be honest, I don't think most conceited people know that they are, in actual fact, conceited. I don't think people ever want to realize the shitty parts about themselves. I mean, who wants to be told they're conceited?

Then again, who wants to be told lies about themselves? And that is what this story is about. That is what I am here to express.

Why the hell is a friend considered a person who always dances around your feelings and feeds you shit and why is that considered polite? But then a best friend is allowed to tell you everything that is wrong with you and that's okay, not that they don't also tell you the good things but I, personally, don't like to be called conceited even though everyone knows I am.


I am vain, there I said it.

I like people to listen to what I have to say and to tell me I'm beautiful. I like people to think I'm amazing and I like to describe myself as fabulous. I like to look at myself in the mirror yet I am not confident. I don't like to flaunt how fabulous I think I am and maybe, possibly that makes me less conceited but I, personally think that I am vain and conceited.

But I never like to be told so.

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