S e v e n : C l o s e O n l y

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I saw a different side of him. He looked so fragile, gentle. He is crying by himself. I went and sat beside him and get my arm over his shoulder. "I think we are the same... Being cheated twice... I know how it feels..." I said. He suddenly leaned towards me and gave me a deep, passionate, rough kiss. I gave in too. I knew how it feels like to be heartbroken...

It was a really deep and passionate kiss but it soon ended. I bit on my lips. Silence filled the room. Not a awkward one but kinda a romantic one. He was holding my hand, as well as me.

Just as he realised what he did, he quickly let go off my hand. "S-sorry... Im just, you know..." He said and i just nodded.  "And also, thanks for telling me, not making me fall for her anymore..." He said but i shook my head. "Ani... If i didnt tell you will still be happy..."


The next day came by a lot faster and it was 5 in the morning. Suddenly i remembered that there is no school as there is school holiday. So, i just try to sleep again.

Mark Pov
"Ringgggg!" My alarm went on and on. "Geez, there is no school!!!!" I said and just try to sleep again.

"Hyung! Wake up!" I heard a voice and i woke up. "J-Joey!?" I yelled. I then hugged him soooooooooo tight. "Geez, im out of breath!" He said and i let go of him. "Hyung, Tammy is here too! Let's go!" He said and we both went down. My hairs are sticking everywhere. "Tammy!" I yelled. Yep, again. "By the way, why are you guys here?" I asked. "Just to see you, mom and dad." Tammy answered. I nodded. "This house is big. Can we go to all the neighbourhoods?" Joey asked. "Sure but let me get changed." I said and hopped into the bathroom.

I came out with a sweatpants and a sleeveless sporty shirt. Show off my mouses. (Muscles c;) Keke. I went out with Tammy and Joey. I first went to Victoria's house. She knows better than me so she should follow us. I rang the bell. I could hear footsteps. The door opened, it was her mom. "Oh hey auntie, can Victoria follow us somewhere? And also, this is my 2 siblings. Joey and Tammy." I said with a smile. "Oh hey, please come in and have a sit while i get Dahyun up." Auntie replied and brought us in.

Victoria's mom Pov
"Who will come at this time...?" I mumbled as i walked to the door. It was our neighbour and 2 other kids. "Oh hey auntie, can Victoria follow us to somewhere? And also, this are my 2 siblings. Joey and Tammy." Mark said. "Oh hey, please get a sit while i get Dahyun up." I replied and brought us in.

I gave them some drinks and went to Dahyun's room and woke hey up. "Mark is here with his 2 siblings. Get up now!" I pulled her up. "Mom! I want to sleep!" "Faster get up!" I scolded her. "Fine!"

Victoria Pov
The door knob turned and i hid myself in the blanket. "Mark is here with his 2 siblings! Get up now!" My mom told me to wake up. "Mom! I want to sleep!" I said. "Faster get up!" "Fine!"

I hopped out of the bed and to the closet. I grabbed a cropped top with strings hanging and a pair of ripped jeans shorts. I walked down with my hair in a messy bun and went to Mark. "Yes...?" I asked, half asleep. "Bring us around the neighbourhood please!" He said.

Mark Pov
"Mark ah, she is your girlfriend?" Tammy asked me smirking. "Ani! We are just close friends!" I yelled and covered my mouth.


A/N: New update! Maybe will do one more soon! Hope you liked it! Sorry that is really really short! I will make another one as apologising! See ya!

~MarkiePooh_ 💗

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