A u t h o r N o t e : 1

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Hello! This is the first and last author note. So I am planning to make a 'Imagines' story for GOT7. It will be pretty cool if I could make it! So I really want you guys to be contributing as well! So here, I will first tell you guys the rules to request a 'Imagine' story.


1: Write your username.
2: Characters
3: Bias
4: Song
5: Ending

So just follow this 6 simple rules. Just text me to get the 'Imagine' story.

Once you had texted me, just comment on this A/N to notify me. Type "Done" and I will be notified. Gomawo! Love ya!

~MarkiePooh_ 💗

✔️ i fell in love with him • mark tuanWhere stories live. Discover now