5 Years Later

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HEYYY!!!!!!!!! WAZZA!??!?!?!? This story will take place 5 years later. So Crystal will be almost 6 years old!!!! To the left of your screen is a necklace that Logan (in the story) gave Crystal for her forth birthday! She wears it every day!! You might go aww when you read it, I know I did cuz I choose it!! Anyways!!!! Here is the first chapter of Never Give Up!!!!!!

5 Years Later


      "Daddy!!!!" Crystal said running to Logan after the last day of school. "Hey princess! How was school today?" Logan asked as he lifted her and walked to the car. "Great! Lookie! I got Student of the Month!" Crystal said holding the school's newsletter and handing it to Logan. "Awesome princess! I know you worked hard for it!" Logan said and placed Crystal in the back of the car. Crystal had the biggest smile on her face which showed her dimples. Logan went to the driver's seat and started to head home.

     Once they arrived home, Crystal took off her seat belt and ran inside the house. Logan smiled at her. "Mommy!! Mommy!!!" Crystal said, trying to find her mother. "What Crystal?" Brianna asked lowering herself down to her daughter's level. "I got Student of the Month!!!" Crystal said, smiling. "Awesome!!" Brianna said hugging Crystal. "Thanks mommy! Where's Joel?" Crystal asked, wondering where her three year old brother is. "He is upstairs playing with his toys." Brianna said. "Okay!" Crystal said and went upstairs to her room. "Didn't you get Student of the Month every year?" Logan asked. "Yeah, why?" Brianna said. "I was just wondering." Logan said and went to his 'man cave', which was filled Batman stuff, food, and video games. Brianna shook her head as she went to make dinner for her family.

~*~Later That Night~*~

     Crystal walked into her parents room with her little stuffed cat. "Daddy?" Crystal whispered and poked Logan's face. "What princess?" Logan asked in a sleepy tone. "I had a nightmare..." Crystal said a little scared. "Tell me what happened princess." Logan said as he sat up and lifted her on his lap. "You were kidnaped by some guy named Lloyd and mommy, JJ, and me went to find you and we couldn't find you..." Crystal said starting to cry. "Shh princess, I'm here. Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere because I'll always be in your heart." Logan said rubbing Crystal's back. "C-Can I sleep with you and mommy?" Crystal asked. "Of course princess." Logan said and lifted Crystal on Brianna and his bed. Crystal instantly started to fall asleep. "Good night daddy." Crystal said then fell asleep. "Good night princess." Logan said and kissed her forehead then fell back asleep.


     Crystal woke up and climbed out of her parents bed, careful not to wake them. Today was the day her parents had a day off and Crystal wanted to do something special for them. "JJ. Joel." Crystal said queitly entering her brother's room. "What sissy?" Joel said. "Come on. We gotta do something special for mommy and daddy." Crystal said and help her brother out of bed. They went to the kitchen and fixed their parents cereal, toast with freezer jam, and orange juice. They made a little mess here and there, but they cleaned it up. They put a flower in the center of the table for them. "There! Finished!! Now all we gotta do is wait for them to wake up!" Joel said and got off the table. Crystal heard their father come down the stairs. "Hide!" Crystal said and they both hid under the table. Logan heard them giggle under the table. Joel covered Crystal's mouth while Crystal covered Joel's mouth. Brianna came down the stairs and heard her children giggling. "Do you hear something?" Brianna asked Logan, then she turned her head to the table and back. "Yeah... It's sounds like its coming from under the table..." Logan said, catching on of what was going  to happen. Crystal and Joel instantly froze and watched their parents come closer to the table. Logan slowly looked under the table. "Found you!" Logan said then Crystal and Joel started laughing as Logan got them out from under the table.

Never Give Up (Third Book to IAJ)Where stories live. Discover now