Can We Be Happy Once Again?

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     Brianna finally came out of the OR and was put in the same room as Logan. He looked at her pale body. "Please don't leave me. Ever." Logan said to himself. "Where's mommy?" Joel asked in a sleepy tone. "She's right over there buddy." Logan whispered as he pointed at Brianna. Joel looked over Logan and saw Brianna sleeping peacefully. "I wish she was awake right now." Joel said. "I do too." Logan said as he messed with Joel's hair. "Daddy?" Joel asked. "Yeah Joel?" Logan asked as he looked at his son. "Can we be happy again?" Joel asked. Logan sighed. "We can always try for as long as we can." Logan said. Joel nodded and closed his eyes once again. Can we be happy again? Logan thought. What if Avery and Lloyd escape from jail? Will they survive next time? Questioned roamed around in Logan's head that he didn't hear the doctor come in. "Well, Mr. Henderson, looks like your bed is full." The doctor joked as he saw Crystal and Joel sleeping at his sides. "Yeah." Logan laughed a little. "As soon as the kids wake up, you are free to go, but Mrs. Hederson will have to stay for at least a month. She lost alot of blood and she needs to regain her stenghth back." The doctor said. "Okay. Do you know when she'll wake up?" Logan asked. "Hopefully soon because we put more sleeping gas on her then we should have, but she will be fine." The doctor said. "Alright thank you." Logan said as the doctor left.

     A nurse helped Logan with unplugging the cords. He saw a bag of clothes for him and Brianna. He went into the bathroom that was in the room and changed. When he came out, he saw Crystal and Joel sitting by Brianna. "Please wake up soon mommy..." Crystal said. "Crystal. Joel. I need to tell you two something." Logan said as he sat in one of the chairs in the room. The kids walked over to their father and sat on his lap. "The doctors used too much sleeping gas on mommy and she won't be waking up for awhile, but the doctor came in while you too were sleeping and said that she will be fine. She has to stay here for a month though then hopefully she will be able to come home." Logan said. "YAY!!!!" Crystal and Joel both shouted with the biggest smiles on their faces. "Can we visit her during the month?" Crystal asked. "Of course we can, I'm not gonna keep you guys away from mommy!" Logan said and smiled. "Awesome!" Crystal said. "Come on, let's get home. Uncle Los may have a little surprise waiting for you." Logan said. "Depends on what it is.." Joel said, raising his eyebrow. "It's a good surprise now come on!" Logan said. Crystal and Joel went to the doorway as Logan went to Brianna's hospital bed. Logan kissed Brianna's head. "I can't wait for you to wake up baby." Logan whispered in her ear then kissed her lips and left with Crystal and Joel.

~*~At the Henderson's House~*~

     Logan was fixing dinner, this was one of the first time having dinner without Brianna. You can do this Logan. It's only for a month... Without your wife/lover/mother of your children... Logan thought to himself. "Daddy?" A voice asked. "Yes, princess?" Logan asked Crystal. "Are you okay?" Crystal asked. "I'm fine princess, I... just hate leaving mommy in the hospital for month. Even though she needs to be in there, I still miss her..." Logan said as he got down to Crystal's level. "Mommy will be fine, daddy. Don't worry." Crystal said. She kissed Logan's cheek and went back into the living room where she and Joel were watching TV. "Why does Crystal sound so much like Brianna?" Logan said to himself and continued to cook. This was going to be a long month...

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