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     Crystal woke up to find that her father was gone. Crystal quietly got out of bed and walked over to Logan's. There was a note. It said...

Dear Crystal and Joel,

     My name is Lloyd and I have your parents. I hope you too care take care of yourselves because you'll probably never see them again. I hope you enjoy your day!


     "Joel!" Crystal shouted. "What?" Joel asked in a sleepy tone. "Daddy is gone!" Crystal shouted again and Joel instantly got out of bed and ran towards Crystal. "First mommy, now daddy! We have to get help now!" Joel said and ran out of the hotel room to find Megan and Carlos's room. "Aunt Meggie! Uncle Los!" Joel shouted threw the door. "Joel what's wrong sweetheart?" Megan asked. "Mommy and Daddy were kidnapped!" Joel shouted and started to cry. "Come here. We will find them." Megan said and hugged Crystal and Joel.

     Megan called the police and the kids explained what happened to the police. "Do you know who Lloyd is?" The officer asked. "All we know is that our Daddy used to date his little sister Avery Mitchell and she was really mean to our mommy in high school." Crystal said, with tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Joel was in Megan's arms, crying on her shoulder. "Do you know anything else?" The officer asked Megan. "When Brianna was pregnant with Crystal, Avery kidnapped her and almost beat her to death. She was arrested for that, but then she escaped." Megan said while hugging Crystal so she'll stop crying. "Thank you Mrs. Pena." The officer said. "You're welcome." Megan said. "We will find your parents one way or another." The officer said and left. "I want mommy and daddy." Joel cried in Megan's shoulder. "I know sweetie. I know" Megan said and they went back up to their room.

     Violet was watching TV while the guys were telling everyone to be on the look out for Brianna and Logan. "So?" James asked. "They are looking into it right now." Megan said. Violet got up and walked over to Crystal and gave her a hug. Crystal hugged back and cried on her shoulder. Kendall turned on the news to see if any word of the kidnapping would come on. "Just last night and this morning, Logan and Brianna Henderson were kidnapped by Lloyd Mitchell and younger sister Avery Mitchell. Police are currently searching for the married couple." The news reporter said and showed a picture of Avery and Lloyd. "All we have to do now is wait and keep Crystal and Joel safe because they could come for them next." Kendall said. "True. Logan did say that Avery would get him one way or another." Carlos said.

     "James can you go with Joel and Crystal to get their things and bring them back here?" Megan asked. "Sure. Come on you two." James said as he took Joel in his arms and took Crystal's hand. They went inside the room and Crystal went to pack her and Joel's things. James went to pack Logan's things. "I miss daddy." Joel whispered in James's ear. "Hey buddy, we will find them. They'll be happy to see you again." James said. Joel tried to smile a little. "Come on, I see a smile wanting to appear on your face." James said. Joel giggled a little and smiled. "There is that smile." James said. Joel gave a weak smile. "I'm ready uncle JJ. I got mine and mommy's stuff." Crystal said. "Alright. I got your dad's stuff and Joel's stuff too. Let's go." James said and they went back to Megan and Carlos's room.

     Once they made it back to Megan and Carlos's room, Crystal and Joel went to Violet's room. "You guys are going to stay with me?" Violet asked. "Yeah..." Crystal said. Violet hugged Crystal. Joel hugged both girls. "We are having a hugging fest aren't we?" Crystal asked. "Yep." Joel and Violet said at the same time. They all laughed and Violet was happy to see Crystal and Joel smiling.

~*~Meanwhile with Lloyd and Avery~*~

     Logan woke up and found himself tied up to a chair. "Glad to see you're awake darling." A voice rang. "Where am I?" Logan asked. "Ohhh you are in a place where no one can find you or your ugly wife." The voice rang again. "Brianna is NOT ugly. She is beautiful." Logan said and looked at his surroundings. "Oh Logan, do you even know who I am?" The voice rang once again. "Avery! Show yourself!" Logan yelled angrily. "Oh course my handsome prince." Avery said and walked towards Logan. Avery sat on Logan's lap and pulled him close to her. Logan stayed strong and refused to move. "LLOYD!" Avery yelled. "What do you want?! I was in the middle of something with Brianna!!" Lloyd said as he walked up. Logan glared at Lloyd. "You stop glaring at me and you, what do you want?" Lloyd ordered/asked. "He won't do what I want him to..." Avery said. Lloyd sighed and grabbed Logan's shirt. "You do what my sister wants you to or I will KILL BRIANNA!" Lloyd yelled in Logan's face. Logan stayed quiet. "Is that clear?!" Lloyd yelled in Logan's face again. Logan nodded. "Good." Lloyd said and went back to where he had Brianna. "Now where were we Logiebear?" Avery asked. She pulled Logan close to her lips. Then she slammed her lips on his and she kissed him, but Logan didn't kiss back. He had his eyes open.

     There was a scream from a little room where Brianna and Lloyd were in. Logan knew Brianna screamed for help. "BRIANNA!!!" Logan yelled, but Avery duck taped his mouth and then slapped his across his face. "SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! THOSES ARE SCREAMS OF JOY!!! SHE'S HAPPY TO BE AWAY FROM YOU!!!" Avery yelled in his face. Logan tried to say something, but couldn't because the next thing he knew, he was hit with something metal. Avery smiled and thought of what she might do next.

Picture is Avery!!!!

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