Without Them

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     Crystal woke up with a fright. She dreamed of her parents. "I never wanted you to go." Crystal whispered to herself. She pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed softly.  Where were her parents? Were they dead? Crystal grabbed the note that Lloyd left her when he kidnapped her dad and walked to living room part of the hotel room. She sat on the couch and read the note over and over. Why were they taken? Could they still be alive? Are they hurt? So many question were running through Crystal's mind that she didn't hear Kendall come in the room. "You miss them?" Kendall asked as he sat beside her. Crystal nodded her head and laid  down on Kendall's lap. "I know they miss you and Joel too." Kendall said as he rubbed her side. Crystal looked at her necklace. "I miss daddy." Crystal said and she wiped some of her tears. "I know you do. You always were a daddy's girl." Kendall said. "How?" Crystal asked. "Well, when you were in your mommy's tummy, you would kick at your dad's voice and touch. You were always calm in your dad's arms." Kendall said and wiped more tears away from Crystal's face. Crystal teard  up some. "Shh... its gonna be alright... We will find them." Kendall said and hugged Crystal. "Go back to bed sweetheart." Kendall said. "Okay." Crystal said and walked back into their bedroom. Kendall went back to his bedroom and fell back asleep.

     "L-L-Logan?" Brianna asked as Logan layed her down on the bed. "Yeah?" Logan asked. "I'm worried about Crystal and Joel." Brianna said. "I am to, but knowing Crystal, she would go straight to Meg and Los." Logan said. "I know." Brianna said. "Brianna, they will be okay. I promise." Logan said and kissed her head. Logan lips were bloody from Lloyd punching him. He also had some really deep cuts, scars, and bruises. Brianna, however, was very weak. She could hardly lift herself up. Scars, blood stains, bruises, possibly some broke bones, and cuts covered her body. "I love you Logan." Brianna said and tried to raise her arms. Logan leaned down and hugged her. "I love you too Brianna." Logan said. "Go to sleep baby." Logan whispered in Brianna's ear. Brianna eyes closed and Logan went to his side of the bed and then feel asleep, for the next day, would bring more beatings.

~*~Next Morning~*~

     "GET UP!!!!!!" Lloyd yelled in Brianna's face. Brianna slowly got up. Logan stayed in bed watching what Lloyd might do to his wife. Lloyd grabbed Brianna's face and kissed her deeply. Logan's mouth dropped, his eyes widened. Brianna couldn't pull back because Lloyd would just beat her. Logan's heart broke into a million pieces. Lloyd pulled away and pushed Brianna against the bed. Lloyd went to Logan's side of the bed. "BRIANNA WILL BE MINE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!!!!!" Lloyd yelled in Logan's face and left. "Logan, I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know he was g-going to do that." Brianna said. Logan grabbed Brianna's face gently and kissed her lightly. "I didn't either baby." Logan said as he pulled away. "Avery and Lloyd are going to give you guys a break today, but then tomorrow they will hurt you guys extra hard." Eric said and left the room. Brianna got closer to Logan's bloody chest and laid her down. Logan rubbed her back and kissed her head. Brianna struggled to keep her eyes open. "Go back to sleep sweetie. I'll be here when you wake up." Logan said. Brianna smiled and fell asleep. She found peace for the first time since they were kidnapped. Logan smiled when he saw Brianna smile. He felt his eyes start to close. He fell asleep soon after Brianna did. All they could think about was if Crystal and Joel were okay?


     Crystal didn't have the smile she used to have all the time. All she could think about was her mom and dad. She looked at her necklace. I miss you daddy and I hope you're okay. Crystal thought. She was sitting on the balcony with the cool wind blowing in her face. She just looked at the city below her. She kept thinking where they would be. Could they be at their old high school? Possibility. "I need you." Crystal whispered against the wind. Where could they be? "Crystal, I have good news." Carlos said as he opened the glass door. "Is it about mommy and daddy?!" Crystal asked getting excited. "Yes it is!" Carlos said. "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" Crystal said getting even more excited. "Okay, okay! They found the area where mom and dad are!" Carlos said. "Yes! ONE STEP CLOSER TO BEING WITH MOMMY AND DADDY AGAIN!!!!" Crystal cheered and started dancing around. "Well I'll let you party while I tell the others." Carlos said and went back inside. Crystal kept dancing until she was tired. She looked at her necklace. One step closer daddy. Crystal thought. She smiled the biggest smile. She couldn't wait to see her parents again.

Picture is Lloyd! 

Never Give Up (Third Book to IAJ)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz