The News

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     Logan had to go to the studio early today. Once he arrived he went to where BTR's music producers office was in. "Alright boys. We have some great news!" The producer said. "And what would be the great news?" James asked. "You guys are going on a 3 month tour!" The producer said happily. "What about Logan and my families?" Carlos asked. James and Kendall still haven't found the special someone yet. "Well, you will be able to bring them with you!" The producer answered. They all nodded. "When do we leave?" Kendall asked. "In one month. Also in that one month will include rehearsals for tour, interviews, and stuff like that." The producer said. "Alright, sounds good." Logan said and the guys left for home.

     Once Logan arrived home, he was thinking of a way to tell his family about going on tour. The kids were watching Big Time Cartoon and Brianna was washing the dishes. "Daddy!" Crystal and Joel said and then ran to their father. "Hey guys!" Logan said and hugged them, then went into the kitchen. "Hey Bri." Logan said and kissed her cheek. "Hey." Brianna said and continued washing the dishes. "I have some news. " Logan said and leaned against the counter. "What is it?" Brianna questioned as she dried off her hands. "Well I'm going on a 3 month tour, but guess what the producer said." Logan said getting excited. "Umm... I don't know." Brianna said. "You and the kids are coming along!" Logan said excitedly. "Really?!" Brianna asked, getting excited. "Yes!" Logan said and Brianna jumped in his arms for a hug. "We gotta tell the kids!" Logan said and went into the living room where the kids were. "Crystal. Joel. You start getting ready to pack in one month because I'm going on tour and you two are coming with me and mommy!" Logan said excitedly. "Awesome!!" Crystal said and ran to Logan for a hug. "Woo Hoo!!!" Joel said and did the same thing as Crystal.

~*~Later that night~*~

     That night, Joel had a nightmare. He started to whimper. Then tears started falling from his hazel eyes. A gun was pointed towards his beaten father. "No more father." The woman said. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was beautiful, in a bad way. "Don't kill my daddy!" Crystal shouted while trying to get loose from her ropes. Their mother was in a room with a man that had jet black hair. "I will kill him if you two don't shut up!!" The woman screamed in Crystal's face. Joel slipped his tiny hands out of the tight rope and did the same with his tiny feet. "Now, I'll leave you three alone and check on your mother!" The woman said and left. "Crystal. Joel." Logan said, out of breath. "Yes, daddy?" Joel said getting up and untied his sister. "I want you to know that mommy and I love you both and... and..." Logan said as his eyes started to shut. "No! Daddy! We need you! Don't leave us!" Crystal and Joel both shouted and ran to Logan. He tried to keep his open, as much blood as he lost the past two months, he still stayed strong for Joel and Crystal. "I'm not leaving you, I never will." Logan said after Joel untied Logan. "Get daddy's phone and call 911." Joel said and Crystal did as she was told. "Where did you learn how to untie knots so fast Joel?" Logan asked. "Mommy." Joel said and hugged his father. There was a scream from another room. Logan knew it was Brianna. Logan tried to get up, but Joel wouldn't let him. "Daddy, you're to weak. Stay." Joel said. "Okay." Logan said and he sat back down. "They are on their way." Crystal said and gave Logan his phone back. "Alright." Logan said. Suddenly, Brianna screamed again. "Mommy!" Crystal yelled and ran towards her mother's screaming. "Wait Crystal!" Logan said, but it was to late. Crystal was punched in the throat and was coughing up blood. Joel hid his face in his father's chest and cried. Soon the sirens were heard and the police came bursting through the doors. Paramedics got Crystal, Brianna, and Logan and took them in the ambulance. "Can I ride with my mommy?" Joel asked one of the paramedics. "Sure." The paramedic said and helped Joel on the stretcher. "Joel?" Brianna said in a soft whisper. "Yes mommy?" Joel asked as he laid his head close to Brianna's heart. "I love you baby." Brianna said and kissed Joel's head "I love you too mommy." Joel said. Then Joel woke up, scared and full of tears. He found himself on the floor beside his bed. "Please don't let this happen." Joel pleaded to himself and climbed back into bed. 

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