First Concert

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     It was time for the first concert of the tour. The gates hadn't opened yet and the guys were doing their M&G at the time. Crystal, Joel, and Violet were in the guys' dressing room. "I'm bored." Violet said. "You're always bored." Crystal and Joel said at the same time. "I KNOW! Daddy says I'm like mom." Violet laughed. "You are!" Crystal laughed. Megan and Brianna walked in with some snacks for the kids. "Thank you!" The kids said and started eating. "Logan texted me and said they have a few more then they will be coming in here." Brianna said as she put her phone back in her pocket. "Okkie Dokkie." Megan said. Joel was the first to finish his lunch. "I'm still hungry!" Joel said in his squeaky voice. "Gosh, you have a big tummy. Come on. Let's get some more food." Brianna said and picked up Joel and went to the table that had food on it. Joel's little body was bigger then Brianna's waist and he is only 4 years old. "So, are you girls ready for the concert tonight?" Megan asked. "Yes!" Violet and Crystal said at the same time. Megan laughed as she got a text from Carlos. We are on our way to the dressing room babe. Megan texted back, kk babe. "The guys are on their way!" Megan said and the girls cheered as Brianna and Joel walked back into the dressing room. "Are you still hungry?" Brianna laughed looking at Joel. "Nah, I'm good." Joel said and smiled, showing his dimples that he got from Logan. "Are you sure?" Brianna asked still laughing. "Yelp!" Joel said and everyone laughed.

     Soon, the guys walked in the dressing room. They came in with hats, posters, and more. "Wow you got a lot of stuff." Violet said, hugging Carlos's leg. "I know!" Carlos said as he sat down and brought Violet up on his lap. "I think we have got more things this time than we ever have." Logan said as he played with Crystal's hair. Everyone laughed except Kendall. He was lost in his memory of one of the girls' at the M&G. Kendall thought she was beautiful. Plus, he was her favorite. She gave him her number and said to text her sometime. Kendall put her number in his phone and started texting her. Everyone else was still talking about whatever came to their minds.

~*~During the Concert~*~

     The girls and Joel were jumping around backstage to 24/seven. So far Victoria, Olivia, and Jackson had the crowd pumped up for the guys. Crystal was trying to dance on side stage just like her father. Brianna started Crystal in dance when she was 2 years old. Soon the lights went down for the next song and Crystal almost instantly ran out on stage and stood by Logan, in the same pose as he was in. Logan smiled down at her and she smiled back. "Before we start the next song, Crystal is going to dance with us during the song then she has to go backstage with her mommy, where she was supposed to be at." Logan said into the microphone. Crystal giggled and the crowd cheered. Rushers say she dances like her mom because Brianna wouldn't get a move wrong. The song started to play, everyone cheered, the guys and Crystal started to dance. She got every move right. At the end of the song she landed in a right leg split, the crowd cheered and then Crystal hurried off stage after she hugged Logan. The rest of the concert was just amazing to all the Rushers in the crowd. Crystal and Joel went with the others while Logan and Brianna stayed behind and talked. "Logan, I need to tell you something." Brianna said. "What is it babe?" Logan asked. "Joel had a nightmare about the tour." Brianna said as she looked at into Logan's dark brown eyes. "What did it have in it?" Logan asked nervously. "Well, when he described the kidnappers, they reminded me of Avery and Lloyd." Brianna said. "You're kidding right?!" Logan said in a shocked tone. "No. We have to keep the kids safe no matter what happens, who knows what they might do?" Brianna said. "Right and Lloyd was the assistant couch for the basketball team." Logan said. "Hey guys! It's time to go!" James shouted. "We will talk about this later. Coming!" Brianna said. Logan and Brianna went to their bus to find the kids in their bunks sound asleep. Brianna didn't sleep very well that night because of the possibility of Avery and Lloyd coming and taking her kids and harm them. She loved them both and promised herself that she would protect them, no matter what happened.

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