Awaken With Love

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     Brianna woke up to beeping noises. She knew she was in the hospital. Brianna looked around the room. White walls, white chair, white everything. She heard the door open and quickly shut her eyes. "Be quiet, okay?" someone asked. Then she felt pressure on her hospital bed. "Mommy?" A little voice asked. Brianna slowly opened her eyes and saw Logan, Joel, and Crystal. "Mommy!" Crystal and Joel said and gently hugged their mother. Logan kissed her head and smiled. "I love you all so much." Brianna said and hugged her family. "We love you too." Logan said and kissed her cheek. Brianna smiled. "When do I get out?" Brianna asked. "Just three more weeks baby." Logan said. "Three more weeks without mommy at home..." Joel said sadly. "Honey, you can always come and see me." Brianna said. "I know, but I miss you at home..." Joel said. "Just three more weeks and I promise we will have a family night." Brianna said. "Okay." Joel said.

     "Visiting hours are now over." A nurse said. "Bye mommy. We love you." Crystal and Joel said. "Love you baby. See you tomorrow." Logan said  as he kissed Brianna's lips. They left and the nurse came in with her clipboard. "Okay, Mrs. Henderson, let's see how you are doing." The nurse said, then she started asking Brianna some questions. "Well, looks like you actually might get to go home earlier then expected." The nurse said. "Awesome." Brianna said and smiled. "I'll give this to your doctor and we'll see when you get released." The nurse said and left.

     Brianna saw a little black box beside her. She grabbed it and opened it. Inside was her engagement and wedding rings. She quickly looked at her left hand and saw that the rings weren't there. She looked at the box again and took out her rings, then she put them on her ring finger. Brianna was about to close the box when she saw a note. It read...

     Crystal saw that Avery had your rings on. She stopped the policemen and told them that she stole your rings. Crystal was going to give them back to you, face-to-face, but I had this idea. I wanted to give them to you like this. We love you and we can't wait for you to come out of the hospital! I'll make sure we get our special night ready for sometime ;) Love- Princess, JJ, and (Don't think about calling me this again... The kids made me do this...) Logiebear <3

     Brianna giggled at the last part of the note. She missed her family, but she had to be here to get better sooner.


     "Megan, how am I going to tell Logan that I'm pregnant again?" Brianna asked as she walked back n' forth. "Bri, calm down. He would be thrilled to hear that you are pregnant." Megan said, trying to stay positive. "I hope..." Brianna said. The door opened and the girls could hear Logan, Carlos, Kendall, and James coming in. "Bri!" Logan said. "In the living room." Brianna said as she sat on the couch. "Megan, you take the guys to another room and tell them while I tell Logan. Deal?" Brianna asked quietly. "Deal. Oh here they come now." Megan said quietly back. "Hey, babe, Kendizzle, and JJ, why don't we go in another room. I need to tell you something." Megan said and left with the boys. "Umm, what's going on Bri?" Logan asked, getting worried. "Ummm..." Brianna stuttered. "Brianna, what's wrong?" Logan asked getting a little nervous. Crystal came walking behind Logan and hugged his leg. "Hey princess." Logan said as he lifted her. "Momma gonna have anuter baby!" Crystal said then she giggled. "Is it true?" Logan asked. "Y-Yes..." Brianna said as she looked down. "Don't think I'm going to be mad at you becuase I'm not. We are making the perfect family and I don't even know how much more perfect it can get." Logan said and hugged Brianna with his free arm. Brianna smiled and hugged him back. "I can't wait till the new little one is here." Logan whispered in Brianna's ear. She smiled.

~*~ End of Flashback~*~

     Brianna smiled as the thought went through her mind. "I love you Logan and I always will." Brianna whispered to herself. She couldn't think about her life without Logan. Everytime he made he smile, laugh, cry, he was her everything and always will be her everything.

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